精華區beta CrossStrait 關於我們 聯絡資訊
From the current status of Taiwan, it would not be an easy job to persuade Taiwan to come back to the "One China" policy. 1) DPP is determined to push the status of Taiwan as an independent country. 2) KMT favors "One China" policy, but will be forced to be more concentrated on a localized Taiwan, otherwise it will be scolded as "Not Loving Taiwan", and will lose more control of Taiwan. 3) The young generation of people in Taiwan has been educated to hate CCP so much, that they will use any possible methods to stay as far away from CCP as possible. From their point of view, "One China" just means they will be governed by an "evil" force, and this is contradictory to their understanding of democracy and human rights. 4) The policy of China is not very flexible. Although China's "One Courntry, Two Political Systems" policy has earned less than 20% of people of Taiwan, China has still no intention of being more flexible. However, there are still some positive effects of China's policy: 1) The practice to eliminate any chances of Taiwan's opportunity to appear as an independent country in the international community is very effective. This will make Taiwan's DPP to feel very defeated, and undermine its leadership and credibility among people of Taiwan. 2) The presence of an "enemy" force such as DPP will keep CCP wary of its vulnarability, and keeps itself to be forced to improve itself. The weakest point of CCP is that it's constantly viewed by Taiwan and also western countries as a "monarchy", and lacks improvement in the areas of democracy and human rights. CCP will be forced to improve its image in these areas in the coming years, and the effect of these improvements will play a critical role in the long march to the resolution of Taiwan issues. 3) The economy of China will also play an important role in Taiwan issues. The presence of a rich and powerful China will improve the image of China in the eyes of next generation of people of Taiwan. This will significantly improves the chances of getting Taiwan back in "One China" policy. Finally, a powerful government will ensure the success of using the last weapon, the armed forces of China, and will be able to deter the the intervention of an armed international force. From these viewpoints, we can expect to see a booming Chinese economy and also a much powerful Chinese military forces in the coming years. The much concerned improvements in democracy and human rights will also be expected, though in a much smaller scale. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Geigemachen:Quite an objective perspective.. 推 05/09
JudasB:開頭加上In my opinion就沒問題了..:p 推 05/09
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: misen () 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: [心得] Not An Easy Job 時間: Sun May 9 10:34:25 2004 ※ 引述《body (Miracle)》之銘言: 恕刪 : 2) The presence of an "enemy" force such as DPP will keep CCP wary of its : vulnarability, and keeps itself to be forced to improve itself. : The weakest point of CCP is that it's constantly viewed by Taiwan and also : western countries as a "monarchy", and lacks improvement in the areas : of democracy and human rights. 這的確是目前令人看了非常受不了的事實 : CCP will be forced to improve its image in these areas in the coming years, : and the effect of these improvements will play a critical role in the : long march to the resolution of Taiwan issues. CCP 不要只會改變表面形象 而且竟然還要 be forced to? 希望是從核心的全面改革 : From these viewpoints, we can expect to see a booming Chinese economy and : also a much powerful Chinese military forces in the coming years. The much : concerned improvements in democracy and human rights will also be expected, : though in a much smaller scale. 我倒是認為民主與人權才是最重要也比較會被注重的點 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: unyxxxx (iCreatEverything) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: [心得] Not An Easy Job 時間: Sun May 9 12:57:24 2004 ※ 引述《body (Miracle)》之銘言: : From the current status of Taiwan, it would not be an easy job : to persuade Taiwan to come back to the "One China" policy. : 1) DPP is determined to push the status of Taiwan as an independent country. : 2) KMT favors "One China" policy, but will be forced to be more concentrated : on a localized Taiwan, otherwise it will be scolded as "Not Loving Taiwan", : and will lose more control of Taiwan. 在民主國家不說是"control"的,就好像我們不會說美國共和黨control U.S吧 : 3) The young generation of people in Taiwan has been educated to hate : CCP so much, that they will use any possible methods to stay as far away : from CCP as possible. From their point of view, "One China" just means : they will be governed by an "evil" force, and this is contradictory to their : understanding of democracy and human rights. 的確,受幾十年前"愛國教育"的那一代也許有這種現象,但台灣人對CCP的反感主要 是因為CCP處處對台灣不友善且態度惡劣,不論過去或現在。還鎮壓自己的人民, 打擊異己......。 : 4) The policy of China is not very flexible. Although China's "One Courntry, : Two Political Systems" policy has earned less than 20% of people of : Taiwan, China has still no intention of being more flexible. : However, there are still some positive effects of China's policy: : 1) The practice to eliminate any chances of Taiwan's opportunity to appear : as an independent country in the international community is very effective. : This will make Taiwan's DPP to feel very defeated, and undermine its It should be "Taiwan's most people" : leadership and credibility among people of Taiwan. 請不要用CCP那一套黨國一體,專制集權的思考模式來解讀台灣的政治。 : 2) The presence of an "enemy" force such as DPP will keep CCP wary of its : vulnarability, and keeps itself to be forced to improve itself. : The weakest point of CCP is that it's constantly viewed by Taiwan and also : western countries as a "monarchy", and lacks improvement in the areas : of democracy and human rights. : CCP will be forced to improve its image in these areas in the coming years, : and the effect of these improvements will play a critical role in the : long march to the resolution of Taiwan issues. : 3) The economy of China will also play an important role in Taiwan issues. : The presence of a rich and powerful China will improve the image of China ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 唉,許多中國人的迷思...... 我想你們其實需要的是心靈的慰藉XD 當西方或者所謂的進步國家的人們已經開始省思過去並且注重環境,心靈 ,人類甚至整個地球上的生命共同體的未來時,卻追逐著別人擁有過的"榮耀" ,一句"21世紀是中國人的世紀"便熱血沸騰起來,好像20世紀前都不是自己的 ,不但有心結而且短視......。 (我不是一竿子打翻一船人,不要對我熱血哦= =) : in the eyes of next generation of people of Taiwan. This will significantly : improves the chances of getting Taiwan back in "One China" policy. : Finally, a powerful government will ensure the success of using the last : weapon, the armed forces of China, and will be able to deter the : the intervention of an armed international force. : From these viewpoints, we can expect to see a booming Chinese economy and : also a much powerful Chinese military forces in the coming years. The much : concerned improvements in democracy and human rights will also be expected, : though in a much smaller scale. 到時候,中國或者說人類最大的敵人將不是核子彈或航母可以應付的, 我不是指敵人會有飛碟或光子砲之類的,當然也不排除會有XD(別忘了還有使徒XDD) 而是如能源及糧食的短缺,生物圈的嚴重改變現狀,傳染病.....etc 此外人類集體熱血也是很可怕的,不過那也是上述問題的一個解吧= = -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: unyxxxx 來自: (05/09 14:09) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: kehn (奇怪的牛) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: [心得] Not An Easy Job 時間: Sun May 9 14:19:11 2004 ※ 引述《body (Miracle)》之銘言: : From the current status of Taiwan, it would not be an easy job : to persuade Taiwan to come back to the "One China" policy. 回應第4982篇看你如何對繼承論自圓其說 還有美南北戰爭時南方並沒有以"one united states"來要求原統治者北方的領土 南方只要求承認 這跟PRC想用"one china"來要求原統治者你指的ROC的領土有著天壤之別 更遑論舊金山條約根本沒有轉讓臺灣給你指的ROC : 1) DPP is determined to push the status of Taiwan as an independent country. : 2) KMT favors "One China" policy, but will be forced to be more concentrated : on a localized Taiwan, otherwise it will be scolded as "Not Loving Taiwan", : and will lose more control of Taiwan. : 3) The young generation of people in Taiwan has been educated to hate : CCP so much, that they will use any possible methods to stay as far away : from CCP as possible. From their point of view, "One China" just means : they will be governed by an "evil" force, and this is contradictory to their : understanding of democracy and human rights. : 4) The policy of China is not very flexible. Although China's "One Courntry, : Two Political Systems" policy has earned less than 20% of people of : Taiwan, China has still no intention of being more flexible. : However, there are still some positive effects of China's policy: : 1) The practice to eliminate any chances of Taiwan's opportunity to appear : as an independent country in the international community is very effective. : This will make Taiwan's DPP to feel very defeated, and undermine its : leadership and credibility among people of Taiwan. : 2) The presence of an "enemy" force such as DPP will keep CCP wary of its : vulnarability, and keeps itself to be forced to improve itself. : The weakest point of CCP is that it's constantly viewed by Taiwan and also : western countries as a "monarchy", and lacks improvement in the areas : of democracy and human rights. : CCP will be forced to improve its image in these areas in the coming years, : and the effect of these improvements will play a critical role in the : long march to the resolution of Taiwan issues. : 3) The economy of China will also play an important role in Taiwan issues. : The presence of a rich and powerful China will improve the image of China : in the eyes of next generation of people of Taiwan. This will significantly : improves the chances of getting Taiwan back in "One China" policy. : Finally, a powerful government will ensure the success of using the last : weapon, the armed forces of China, and will be able to deter the : the intervention of an armed international force. 看看你們自己跟外國買了多少武器 但是都是賣二流的尤其俄羅斯時刻提防會留一手 還想跟外國打仗? 多看些常識吧 : From these viewpoints, we can expect to see a booming Chinese economy and : also a much powerful Chinese military forces in the coming years. The much : concerned improvements in democracy and human rights will also be expected, : though in a much smaller scale. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: