精華區beta CrossStrait 關於我們 聯絡資訊
WHO專家指大陸實驗室生物安全狀況非常嚴重 http://news.yam.com/cna/healthy/news/200405/200405060018.html 中央社 2004-5-06 7:37 -- 中國這樣對待中國人 ( 1989. 06. 04 ) http://www.64memo.com/pub/uploads/wpId1435.jpg
中國這樣對待台灣人 http://www.cis.nctu.edu.tw/~gis89801/WHO.wmv -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: rockey (你千萬別) 看板: CrossStrait 標題: Re: [SARS}WHO專家指大陸實驗室生物安全狀況非常嚴重 時間: Thu May 6 15:43:06 2004 ※ 引述《KAGI (OTARU)》之銘言: : WHO專家指大陸實驗室生物安全狀況非常嚴重 : http://news.yam.com/cna/healthy/news/200405/200405060018.html : 中央社 : 2004-5-06 7:37 英文, http://www.who.int/csr/don/2004_05_05/en/ 原文好象說的是情況比較復雜, 並不是沒有找到簡單錯誤導致傳染的跡象. 需要深入調查. 其它情緒化的評論似乎是中央社自己加的. 呵呵 SARS in China: investigation continues □ Update 6 5 May 2004 Investigation of the source of the current outbreak, first reported on 22 April, continues to focus on the National Institute of Virology in Beijing. The institute is known to have conducted experiments using the live SARS coronavirus during February and March. Two researchers at the institute developed SARS in late March and mid-April. However, neither is known to have conducted research using the live virus, suggesting some other source of infection within the laboratory or possibly elsewhere. Members of a joint WHO-Chinese investigative team, wearing full personal protective equipment, entered the institute last Friday and again yesterday. Initial findings indicate that the investigation will be complex, as no single infectious source or single procedural error appears likely to explain infection in the two researchers. Continuing investigation is needed to determine the source of infection and ensure that conditions, equipment, and biosafety procedures within the institute do not pose an ongoing risk of contracting SARS infection. A large number of samples were taken, by Chinese investigators, from various locations in the institute. These samples are also undergoing analysis at the WHO SARS laboratory in Hong Kong. WHO has strongly recommended that work using the live SARS virus be conducted in biosafety level 3 facilities in order to minimize the risk of laboratory-acquired infections. Further investigation of the institute is needed to ensure that any work using the live virus fully complies with the strict requirements for physical containment of the virus, storage, administrative control, work procedures, personal protection of laboratory workers, and authorization and monitoring of all staff admitted to the laboratory. The National Institute of Virology was closed on 23 April and most of its staff were quarantined for medical observation. However, a small number of staff have remained within the facility to continue essential experiments and care for laboratory animals. -- ------------ If we have to do some real research, we publish a HELL before we do !!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
loly:中央社果然是陳水扁派來的!!?XD 推 05/06
HuYong:藍皮綠骨﹐哈哈 推 05/06