精華區beta CrossStrait 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《firehousehot (...)》之銘言: : 我插一句,其實我無意再跟你說民主如何如何,我想這些你都 : 知道也都聽過,只是心中既然已有定見,要找理由還怕沒有? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` 大家都一樣﹐受環境影響太大。 : 我發文只是想跟你說,學生會不只是對學生服務的功能,還有 : 很重要的如社會參與、價值觀的形成,這往往是很大的主要內 : 容,所以學生會主席的位置是相當重要,不過不怪你只有「服 : 務」這種想法,中國大陸學生會的功能我也是見識過的。 : 就給你看看港大學生會的自介和歷史源流,你應該就明瞭人家 : 的學生會不是你想的那樣,也就可以明瞭港大的學生會對陳的 : 言論有那麼大的感冒。 : (我想你在美國,應該看得懂,就不翻了。) : Being an organization run by university students, the Students’ Union also : reflects the students’ values and concerns towards society. However, in the : beginning of foundation years, the Students’ Union only aimed at promoting : student welfare and organizing different activities. This situation changed : after the Civil War in China. Stepping into late 50s and 60s, the Students’ : Union turned to be more active in current affairs and it found itself fused : into various incidents. By 60s, with the influence of student activities from : Europe and America, the Students’ Union started to divert its attention to : incidental current affairs. Civil participation continued and got even more : heightened in the 70s. : By the decades of 80s and 90s, there was a rising demand in society for a : democratic China and a democratic government in Hong Kong when it was about : time to transit back the sovereignty. The Students’ Union thus took its role : and participated actively in various democratizing events. The 1989 Tiananmen : Square Incident marked another highlight. The Pillar of Shame issue in 1997 : and 1998 became a hot topic on the campus as to memorize the events at : Tiananmen Square. : Nowadays, The Students’ Union still concentrates on democratic events. On : the other hand, University affairs and development is also the Union’s main : concern. The Opinion Poll Incident in 2000 and the New Vice Chancellor : selection in 2002 were hot discussion topics around the campus. In the year : of 2003, the Union responded to important issues such as Article 23, : Anti-Interpretation of the Basic Law, Discussion on the CE issue…etc. : 其實我還蠻希望香港朋友出來對這議題發表看法,因為聽不懂 : 粵語,陳的言論都是看二手報導。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再貼一遍他所發的“不合適的言論”(被很多人無視了) 正當港大學生會為六四二十周年發起一連串活動之際﹐港大學生會會長陳一諤卻面臨被罷免的危機。陳一諤四月初在一場有關六四事件20周年的論壇上﹐批評當年的北京學生領袖欠缺理性﹐並指責原學運領袖柴玲是「逃亡」學生領袖。陳一諤認為﹐如果當年學生能和平解散﹐就可以避免軍事鎮壓。但此番言論立即引來在場不少與會者的批評。陳一諤本人則堅持﹐他不會就此言論而公開道歉。去年曾發動支持流亡藏人示威的香港大學學生陳巧文於星期二發起聯署﹐要求罷免陳一諤。陳巧文認為陳一諤沒有資格擔任港大學生會會長﹐她星期三向本台表示﹕“他發表那樣的言論﹐ 我們覺得他已經不再適合擔任我們的學生會會長了﹐我們都要他下台。” 對於職能有疑惑﹐但 其實更多的疑惑在於他言論的本身並沒有替中共護航。 隻是提到“如果當年學生能和平解散﹐就可以避免軍事鎮壓。” 這句至少在我看來天大的實話﹐卻被攻擊成不合適的言論。 也許這裡的人覺得這個不是實話﹐覺得軍事鎮壓不可避免。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
firehousehot:他引起爭議的似乎不只這「半句」 04/26 18:27
gsk3beta:對於學生領袖的指責也並不覺得有問題 04/26 18:28
firehousehot:簡單說 我覺得你也沒看過原文123.192.184.204 04/26 18:29
firehousehot:起碼我看過的外電比多出很多 陳的爭123.192.184.204 04/26 18:30
gsk3beta:這個是我能找到的資料。要是你能找到更 04/26 18:30
gsk3beta:信服的 04/26 18:30
firehousehot:比你所指多出很多 陳的爭議言論123.192.184.204 04/26 18:30
firehousehot:bbc上有很多阿 "有些問題"不就最經典123.192.184.204 04/26 18:31