精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前幾天請Darksto幫我修了文章然後submit ticket,內容如下 Still experiencing the same issue here. I have tried many way found on forum, such as cancel all my Auction house listing, clearing out the Auction house stash and also switch the Region to Asia and back and forth. It's been 2 days NONE of them seems to fix the issue, it still shows Error 0 and Error 31084 and WOULD NOT let me buy or sell items on auction house. Can you resolve this issue please as many other player like myself still suffer from this issue. Thanks. 今天有回覆了 Hey there! I'm contacting you from Account & Technical Services to help you out with your auction house issues! Thanks for taking the time out to report an issue with the D3 Auction House to us. I will pass this report along to our QA staff. Keep in mind you can directly report issues to them as well by posting in this forum: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/6634993935?page=1 You can also find more information about this issue there. We have the developers working on this as we speak, and hopefully there will be a resolution soon enough :) If you have any other questions, be sure to check out our new Live Chat feature at http://us.battle.net/support/en/ :D it's brand new, and the wait times are super low! You'll want to start filling out a ticket as you normally would, but then you'll see the Live Chat button at the very bottom of the page. Chat is available from 10AM to 6PM Pacific time, seven days a week (including holidays). Thanks for getting in touch with us! Regards, Danny =^.^= Account & Technical Services Blizzard Entertainment www.blizzard.com/support 第一個連結中藍帖提到有些玩家會有這個問題出現,但他們不確定會針對此作更新 但會盡早處理 他們會繼續檢測問題這樣 stash被垃圾塞爆了啊啊啊 沒AH超不方便 想拉個東西都要請人代勞... -- 國中之前,我相信爸媽永遠是對的,爸媽是我的神 國中時候,我相信老師永遠是對的,老師是我的神 高中時候,我相信同學是對的,因為大人總是食古不化 大學時候,我會自己找相關資料並詢問該領域專業人員,因為我相信他們是對的 直到現在,我疑惑何謂真理,因為連專家都會說謊,能相信的只剩自己 但不知道過了多久,我發現連自己也開始對自己說謊,更何況是對別人說謊呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Darksto :官方說法: 目前無解 02/18 18:46
tonyycool :+1 我也是受害者QQ 02/18 19:56