精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
也不算多新啦 5.12的 官方人員回在討論區低 It's coming along. We're still in the process of refining and testing the changes going into the patch. Work is progressing, we haven't stopped working on it or anything like that. As far as information of what's being changed in the patch, almost anything we're working on now could be removed. Testing could deem any change unworkable and we'd have to remove it. By releasing any information on possible changes we'd be raising expectations that the change is guaranteed to make it in, no matter how many disclaimers we place on it. That said, one change we're planning is to increase the stash size to 12x10. As I said it is in no way a guaranteed change. Any number of reasons could mean it will not make it into the final patch. But enjoy the breadcrumb maybe? link http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=16904296443&pageNo=1&sid=3000#6 簡而言之就是 預計在1.13所做的改變都還在測試當中 而且有可能移除 感覺好像還要好一陣子 因為假如是快完成了 應該是會列出有哪些改變 或是會說 我們已在最後的階段了 那麼早講 只是搞爛經濟而已 另外再問一個問題 職業跟裝備都不拘的前提下 打寶率跟清怪效率要怎麼max 稱高打寶率為第一順位 也就是說 稱高打寶率 但是殺怪效率又不能太差 其實我有爬文了 但是找不到滿意的討論串 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
adob:嗯嗯 原來是寫這樣阿 我了解了 05/14 11:42
ayoulililala:茄子冰火法算是極佳的選擇 05/14 11:44
mkoi:話說剛剛白吃的我被歪國人偷了一科烏姆 05/14 11:47
samuelosk:最後一句........我還是繼續吃麵包屑好了.... 05/14 11:54
zechariah:倉庫變12X10 酷喔 05/14 12:01
va2475:bh王道 05/14 12:20
va2475:但是打寶的話TIME>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MF% 05/14 12:21
f22:現階段,打寶跟殺怪不用並存。瘋狂跟地巴車自然就解決了。 05/14 12:22
iamnodoubt:battle.net的as好像不見了= =,技能要查資料現在都去哪 05/14 12:25
an138:意思就是離下天梯還要很久= = 05/14 12:52