精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.cc-comp.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=58353 上面是資料來源,我只是翻譯而已...太令人驚訝了... 隔空衝能一擊...那這樣pvp不是很容易秒殺別人嗎...@.@a --------------------------------進入本文分隔線-------------------------------- Okay, I'm starting to see a crap load of Javazons using Charged Strike, and a lot of people @ CC and on B.Net have been asking how to do it. This simple bug can give a Javazon a better chance vs some tough opponents, especially in PvP. A few FAQs before we get started: What is Far CS? It's a technique that takes advantage of a bug on the server, which allows you to use Charged Strike and hit an opponent from a distance. 什麼是隔空衝能? 這是一種特殊的技術,可以讓你對一個離你有一段距離的玩家或怪獸使用衝能一擊. Is it a hack?/Can I be banned? No it's a glitch in the game, so really you cannot be banned for this. 這是駭客嗎?我會被Banned嗎? 不,這只是一個密招而已,所以你不會因此而被Banned. Is this even worth learning if I make a Javazon? Yes. As I mentioned above, Far CS will basically tear your opponents who choose not to fight next to you. If you have a high CS damage, you know it rapes terribly. And basically Characters that don't fight next to you are Casters. And Caster have lesser life than Melee. So that only means rapage. 如果我使用標馬的話這招值的我學習嗎? 當然是的,隔空衝能可以輕易的撕裂那些不敢接近你的敵人,你使用高傷害的衝能一擊可 以很輕易的打擊。而且通常那些不敢接近你戰鬥的都是法師系的人物,而他們的血通常都 比進戰少,所以這意味著ez kill. Is it hard to use/learn? It is very simple to learn. But it is a semi-hard thing to do when you first start. After a while though, with enough practice you can do it over and over. 這招很難學習嗎? 這學起來非常的簡單,但是當你一開始使用時會非常難,但是當你反覆練習後會變得很容 易使用。 Materials Needed... 需求的東西 Diablo 2 Javazon with a Javalin Charged Strike Eyes to read my guide D2 一個拿著標槍的標馬 衝能一擊 看這份說明的眼睛...XDDD Okay so lets start if off. 1. First get your Javazon. This is mine 首先先使用你的標馬,如圖示 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a7.jpg
2. Next go to your start menu by pressing Esc. And go to Options. 然後按ESC,然後選擇選項 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a5.jpg
3. Now go to Configure Controls. 然後現在到按鈕設定 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a6.jpg
4. There should be a new menu that pops up. Scroll down a bit until you see Skill 9, 10, 11, etc. If you've never messed with these, they should say None. 會跳出一個視窗,然後往下拉動直到你找到沒有使用中的熱鍵 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a3.jpg
5. Click on Skill 9. The text for that line should turn blue, and None or whatever you have there should start blinking. Press the letter Z on your keyboard. Now you should have Z next to Skill 9. Do the same with Skill 10, except make the key be X. 選擇第9項技能(範例中是使用9,可以使用一個空的選項) 然後更改他成為Z,然後將10設為X (反正就是設兩的鄰近又好按的快速鍵啦~~) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a4.jpg
6. Press Accept. 按確定 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a2.jpg
7. Open up your Skills by pressing S, and hotkey Charged Strike to "Z", and Throw Weapon to "X". 將"衝能一擊"快速鍵設為Z,然後"武器投擲"快速鍵設為X http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a1.jpg
8. It's time to find a godleh/formidable opponent to test your skills on. I chose a Fallen on the difficulty on normal, since they rape all my Characters. I don't know why. 選擇一個敵人來測試你的技能,我選擇的是普通等級的沉淪魔,因為不知道為什麼他總是 可以輕易的殺死我所有的腳色(外國人挺幽默的XDDDDD) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a8.jpg
9. Now this is the tricky part. Hold Shift. Put your cursor over your enemy. Now press Z then X then Z really fast. Make sure you did hit the keys. Sometimes people go too fast and accidently hit a key too lightly. 接著關鍵的地方來了,首先按住shift,然後將滑鼠移到敵人上,然後快速的切換Z→X→Z ,要確實的按到按鍵,通常有些人會因為按太快而不小心按太輕。 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a0.jpg
IF YOU STILL HAVE NOT CAUGHT ON, ALL THESE SKILLS TAKE PLACE ON YOUR RIGHT SKILL. 注意你的快速鍵要設在右鍵,而不是滑鼠左鍵。 10. Immediatly after you hit Z the second time, right click your highlighted opponent. If done correctly you should see a Javalin being thrown. This is only Client Side. Your opponent will see you trying to use Charged Strike, but at nothing. But then he realises he got hit by something, and Charged Bolts came out of his ass. Owned. 再你按下第二次Z時,對著你的對手按下右鍵,如果成功的話你會看到你丟出一支標槍 這是使用者看到的景象,但是對方會看到你這對著空氣使用衝能一擊,然後當他發覺它被 某種東西擊中時,看到衝能彈從腳下跑出。輕易的就殺死對方了。 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v624/HELLARISES/a9.jpg
Tips. 訣竅 Practice 練習 When you try this, try against a group of monsters. Because sometimes when you see the Javalin being thrown, it sometimes is the actually Thrown Weapon attack instead of Far CS. So attacking a group of monsters helps because the monsters behind the monster that got hit by Far CS should die by a lightning sound (which is Charged Bolt, you shouldn't see this either). 當你練習時,盡量使用一團怪去練習,因為有時你看到標槍丟出其實只是標槍投擲,而當 使用一團怪練習是如果旁邊有怪被衝能彈打中就表示你成功了(打中時的衝能彈你也看不到 ) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
micado:好屌 有機會試試看 01/05 23:52
bbbiii:我好像有看過一個亞瑪...空手隔空揍牛...要不是他等低.. 01/05 23:55
elvis533:有沒有這麼神阿...@@"...等一下來試試看... 01/05 23:57
d2x329:真的有耶~~ 01/06 00:03
duanted80046:沒錯 可是衝能比較沒用阿@@ 我剛剛是過威力 好像也可 01/06 00:13
IhCnAb:衝能必中耶~~而且我記得不是9k上下嗎?威力應該還不錯吧? 01/06 00:15
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Darksto (Darkness) 看板: DIABLO 標題: Re: [討論] 亞馬可以隔空使用衝能一擊!!! 時間: Fri Jan 6 09:56:35 2006 依照衝能可以利用短占系統 的忙碌來 丟出遠距離 所以 其他 東西 配丟標槍 估計是可行的 弓箭不確定 大家來試試吧 搞不好以後出現 標槍丟出隕石還什麼之類的 不知道要拿什麼招數來測試 囧 遠距離盾擊..XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: