精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原文: According to Missiles.txt, the ranges for missiles and thrown weapons (unmodified by skills, if any); Range 20 (13 1/3 yds) ===================== throwing axe, balanced axe throwing knife, balanced knife Range 40 (26 2/3 yds) ===================== arrow javelin, short spear glaive pilum, throwing spear Range 50 (33 1/3 yds) ===================== bolt P.S. I couldn't find anything suggesting any range difference among Elite, Exceptional, and Normal versions 簡而言之就是 投擲系飛斧、匕首是13.3碼 弓箭、標槍系是26.6碼 十字弓彈是33.3碼 但是是沒有經過技能修正的(也沒提到修正多少或有沒有修正) 還有不論物品等級距離都一樣 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Vanq:渣砲唯一的優點就試射很遠= = 09/10 02:10