精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛看到好幾隻人物倉庫過期,才知道日期是不準的, 人物只要進去頻道就有顯示更新保存期限,但好像是 要進去遊戲才有實際更新日期,所以人物顯示還有三 十幾天到期,去點人物才會告訴你人物失效. 心得:不是覺得很心疼,因為給掱的時候,一直發現有 人撿東西賣恰西,既然如此,那就讓裝備隨風而去,給 掱還要浪費我的時間. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
coolbay:我哭了..我一堆價值連城的倉庫 05/16
MrEvil:下次大大可以在牠面前變剛魔啊 05/16
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: apflake (無情的) 看板: DIABLO 標題: Re: [心得] 剛剛發現人物失效日期不準 時間: Mon May 16 21:13:35 2005 ※ 引述《apflake (無情的)》之銘言: : 剛剛看到好幾隻人物倉庫過期,才知道日期是不準的, : 人物只要進去頻道就有顯示更新保存期限,但好像是 : 要進去遊戲才有實際更新日期,所以人物顯示還有三 : 十幾天到期,去點人物才會告訴你人物失效. : 心得:不是覺得很心疼,因為給掱的時候,一直發現有 : 人撿東西賣恰西,既然如此,那就讓裝備隨風而去,給 : 掱還要浪費我的時間. 糗大了, 原來是美西的系統伺服器錯誤, 請不要像我一樣把那些人物砍光, battle.net正在想辦法把那些人物救回來,發現有同樣情形先填表申請回復 http://www.battle.net/forums/thread.aspx?fn=d2-general&t=1029092& p=1&tmp=1#new1029092 We became aware of an expiration bug affecting a small portion of USWest users yesterday and have been gathering information on its cause and impact so far. At this time we have found ways to repair the characters affected by this bug and to have your characters properly working again, please submit them individually using the below submission form. http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=eD2status000 Please note, if you report a character that has expired normally and not from this specific issue, we will not restore it. Please also keep in mind that you should check your Windows system clock and make sure that it is set to the correct date. This will ensure that your expiration messages are accurate. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: