精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
其實洨弟之前就有問過了啦,只是那時文章被淹沒了 想用p幣徵電腦高手幫我看一下這個問題 我這台電腦之前有灌過暗黑,也可以玩,我這次算是個回流的玩家 也曾在板上po過板友名單,但上次灌完暗黑正想要回味這款經典的遊戲時 在洨弟上上下下幾次bnet之後,想要再度登入bnet時。卻出現了http://0rz.net/7d1aD 無法辨識你的應用程式版本 瞬間我只有囧> 囧> 囧> 我這次有用了d2loader和mh,都是一位女性朋友傳給我的,她也是用了沒問題 之後我有試過用光碟玩,結果在一次的當機之後,又出現了相同的問題... 之後電腦還說出現重大錯誤什麼洨的,不過這個問題好像都出現在我開過WC3之後出現 但是感覺兩個遊戲又不會互相衝突啊(難道是b社的暗黑兵法) 目前已經重灌了三次了,都會遇到這個問題,請問有哪位板友有遇到類似問題 然後有解決掉的,麻煩教我一下吧= = 奉上10000p幣給成功救回我的necro的板友 十分謝謝.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lowma:這問題我也問過兩次了 都找不到答案 ~"~ 03/21 16:05
happy1004:用免光碟玩沒問題?後來用光碟玩有問題? 03/21 16:11
truevill:會不會是directX版本的問題? 03/21 16:20
happy1004:樓上的問題很有可能,建議去查查看版本有沒有符合需求 03/21 16:37
danshu:我之前也是遇到同樣問題@@ 後來是把d2資料夾裡面的 03/21 16:39
danshu:所有.dll檔都複製進去其他序號的資料夾內就行了@@ 03/21 16:40
danshu:不過我當時的問題是雙序號一個進的去 一個版本為辨識XD" 03/21 16:42
tales0426:要不要考慮用女性朋友的msn來徵?XDXD 03/21 16:47
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: yihongcho (對抗邪惡力量的同伴) 看板: DIABLO 標題: Re: [問題] 10000p幣徵解決方法 囧rz 時間: Tue Mar 21 16:53:16 2006 ※ 引述《jhunfong (世上哪個聖潔?)》之銘言: : 在洨弟上上下下幾次bnet之後,想要再度登入bnet時。卻出現了http://0rz.net/7d1aD : 無法辨識你的應用程式版本 瞬間我只有囧> 囧> 囧> 官方說明 http://www.blizzard.com/support/?id=adt0240p Are you receiving a message saying: "Unable to identify Application Version"? Page 1 of 1 (solution id: 240) If you are receiving an error message that says "unable to identify application version", then your game data may have been altered or corrupted in such a way that Battle.net no longer can determine if you need the patch. When you connect to Battle.net, it will check the version of the game you have installed and patch the game to the latest version if necessary. If Battle.net cannot determine the version of the game you are running, then it will not allow you on. Only the latest game version will be able to join Battle.net. 意思就是patch後的版本不對.... 看你要不要另外下載1.11b 再安裝一次, 或者是你的D2loader跟1.11不合.... First, just to rule out any type of connection problem and to make sure you are not getting a false error message, please try to join Battle.net a few times in a row. Also, make sure you are using the original game CD in your CD-ROM drive. Any programs or patches that allow the game to run without the CD in the CD-ROM drive are not supported and may cause this error. 這邊是說你要排除連線的問題跟使用原版光碟來連battle.net 如果用免光碟程式可能會發生這種錯誤 In addition to third-party programs causing this problem, a virus may alter the game data and prevent you from joining Battle.net. 也可能是因為中毒的關係 VIRUS CHECK: Please make sure that you are using the most current update for your virus detection software. If a virus is detected, you will want to clean the infected files, not delete them. Deleting the infected files could cause serious problems with your system. After you have cleaned those files, the programs that were infected will most likely need to be re-installed in order for them to work properly. If your virus detection software is not able to detect or clean the infected files, or if you do not have any virus detection software, then please try a virus scanner listed below: http://security1.norton.com/us/home.asp? http://www.leprechaun.com.au/ 掃毒能清就清,不要殺檔案,不然可能要重裝才能用 如果你沒有掃毒軟體,可以用上面那兩個Link下去掃毒 REINSTALL GAME: In order to restore the original game data files, we recommend that you fully reinstall and patch the game before trying to log onto Battle.net again. You may wish to back up your saved games to another directory before uninstalling the game. Now reinstall the game and download the patch from http://www.blizzard.com/patches/. Now you should be able to log into Battle.net again. If the "unable to identify application version" error happens again, this indicates that the game data is continuing to be altered and a virus may still be present on your system. You may need to contact your system manufacturer or your local computer technician for additional help cleaning the system. 重裝! 安裝完整版本(免光碟要另外再copy d2xmusic.mpq 之類的mpq檔到D2的目錄下) 你可以先把人物檔放到別的目錄(可以不用,因為都在Battle.net上) 再到上面的Link下載最新的Patch 如果還是出現無法辨識版本的錯誤,大概是病毒沒清乾淨,請找MIS幫忙 XD ========================以上是無聊的翻譯====================================== 話說如果你有原版光碟片+原版序號,請先不要用d2loader 如果你沒有原版光碟片但是有原版序號,請先確定你在單機的情況下也可以正常使用 如果單機可以用,可是battle.net還是進不去,先下載Patch,重裝Patch, 在不用d2loader的情況看能不能連上battle.net,如果可以連上,再用d2loader嚐試.. 不過d2loader最多只是免光碟而已,現在電腦那麼快,直接用光碟玩不會很lag吧?! 看到動畫跳出來就按掉好了 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Forcast:1萬元得主誕生了嗎XD 03/21 16:54
jhunfong:我試試 thx 晚點回報 03/21 17:09
jhunfong:另外d2loader現在是1.11b版對吧 03/21 17:11
jhunfong:另外感謝這位熱心的板友 沒成功的話給個5000吧XDDD 03/21 17:14
barkleyg:有試過把 plugin 資料夾清空嗎 ? 03/21 17:20