精華區beta DIABLO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
原本都是收到wow相關的詐騙信, 今天收信時又看到 [email protected] 這個位址(詐騙的)的信, 還以為又是寄啥Return to World of Warcraft with 7 Days of Game Time那類的 沒想到它的標題竟然改成 Diablo III beta test invitation!, 挺跟得上流行的阿 0.0 在wow那邊或許早有很多人知道這類的詐騙信件, 不過還在玩d2,但還沒申請/將要申請/已擁有battle.net(戰網)帳號的人, 希望你們要多注意一下,不要被騙battle.net的帳密, 到時玩d3或其他已綁戰網帳號的遊戲就危險了。 (這篇版主若覺得不適,麻煩告知刪文,感謝 = ="a) 以下是信件內容: Greetings from Blizzard Entertainment! We’re gearing up for the forthcoming launch of Diablo III and would like to extend you an invitation to participate in the beta test. If you are interested in participating, you need to have a Battle.net account, which you can create on our Battle.net website. We will flag you for access to the Diablo III beta test when we begin admitting press. You do not need to go through the opt-in process. To secure your place among the first of Sanctuary’s heroes,Please use the following template below to verify your account and information via email. * Name: * Battle.account name: * Password: * Country: * E-mail Address: Thanks and see you all in the Burning Hells! -- │ │ ┌──┐─┼─ ─┼─┌──┌── ┌── │┌──┤┌── ┌─┐─┼─ │ │ │ │ │ ├── └──┐││ │├── │ │ │ ┼──┘ │ │ │ └── ──┘│└──┘└── │ │ │ @ptt.cc ╰─────────────────────────────────────→ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
multip:實用推 09/10 15:56
MaYingJeou:魔獸小提示:BZ絕對不會跟你要密碼 09/10 16:00
Edson0000:卡點叫GM幫移都不會和你要密碼了 這信理由有點爛... 09/10 16:52
carlos0711:一定還是有人會相信.. 09/10 18:31
yuliwow:我也收到了 一開始超爽 後來很空虛-.- 09/10 21:47
baupi:noreply還叫你reply,哪招XD 09/11 01:55