精華區beta DPP 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Q6 -- Bi-directional signaling system vs. uni-directional signaling system. ALLEGATIONS 台灣高鐵棄新幹線的單向號誌,導入了歐洲的雙向號誌技術,所以包括運轉路線、車站及 場站等內部路線的進出,都大幅增加了信號控制的困難度與複雜性。 法國鐵路早已不使用雙向號誌。 THSR uses the European bi-direction signaling system. It significantly increases the difficulty and complexity for routing, station and depot control. SNCF has long ceased to use bi-directional signaling system. FACTS and CORRECTIONS 1. The drawback of having uni-direction signal (e.g., one track is permanently dedicated to run north bound traffic, the other track is permanently dedicated to run south bound traffic.) is that whenever there is an incidence, e.g., on the southbound track, the whole traffic on the southbound track has to be shut down. 2. THSRC bi-directional signal design allows much more flexibility in the operation. 3. With the bi-directional signal design, THSRC trains can continue to operate in both directions even when there is an incident in northbound or southbound track. The bi-directional signal design will enable the OCC to direct the train to by-pass the section of track that is having problems, causing minimal interruptions to the services. 4. Bi-directional signal design is common among international railway operators, and is used in French, German, Spanish, and Korean high speed rail systems. The allegation that the French stopped using the system is incorrect. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: