精華區beta DPP 關於我們 聯絡資訊
(中央社台北五日電)大紀元網引述紐約時報著名專欄 作家福利蒙 (THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN)標題為﹁讓我們一 起來祈禱﹂ (Let Us Pray)的文章稱,中國經濟泡沫的 破裂將會引發所有泡沫的破裂,這個現象也顯示﹁中國 是全球不穩定的源頭﹂。 原文還蠻幽默的 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/02/opinion/02FRIE.html (部分轉錄) Here's what I learned in Tokyo: If you're the leader of Japan, America, Australia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines or the European Union and you're not going to bed each night saying the following prayer for China, then you're not paying attention: "Dear Heavenly Father, please keep the leader of China, President Hu Jintao, healthy and on an even keel. Please see to it that he moves steadily and carefully toward restructuring the Chinese banking system and ridding it of its huge overhang of bad loans and corruption, before there is a real meltdown that would be felt around the world. Give him the wisdom to cool the overheated Chinese economy without creating a recession that would prompt China to stop importing like crazy and start just exporting like crazy. And Father, forgive us for all the bad words we used in recent years to describe China's leaders — terms like `Butchers of Beijing.' We did not mean it. We meant to say `Bankers of Beijing,' because their economy is now fueling growth all over Asia, bolstering Japan and sucking up imports from everywhere. May China's leaders live to 120, and may they enjoy 9 percent G.D.P. growth every year of their lives. Thank you, Father. Amen." ※ 編輯: lleb 來自: (05/05 22:16)
jimmyduh:天主經/主禱文 是吧 推 05/06