精華區beta DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
之前在考慮添入望遠端選擇的時候 由於望遠端不常用 所以當然是窮人小砲的抉擇 N 55-200 vr S 70-300 考慮到自己機身是D80 鏡頭在望遠端沒有防手振失敗率一定很高(sony用戶用s這顆用很爽...還在01蓋樓) 所以小弟厚臉皮的用破爛的英文寫信去問Sigma是不是會把 70-300這隻鏡頭改版加入os 我想這是很多討論串裡大家常常提到希望的改版方向吧 以下是官方回覆原文: ============================================= Thank you for your interest in Sigma products. As of right now there are no plans to introduce the 70-300mm lens with OS on it. We apologize for the inconvenience. Best regards, Customer service/technical assistance Sigma Corp of America 15 Fleetwood Court Ronkonkoma , NY 11779 631-585-1144 631-585-1895 Fax [email protected] APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM APO 70-200mm F2.8 II EX DG MACRO HSM 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 DC OS HSM APO 50-150mm F2.8 II EX DC HSM 4.5mm F2.8 EX DC Circular Fisheye HSM 10mm F2.8 EX DC Fisheye HSM 18-125mm F3.8-5.6 DC OS HSM DP1: The all in one camera that will open your eyes. "The content of this message and any attachments may be privileged and confidential. They may contain legally privileged information or copyright material. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not read, copy, Distribute, or use this information. Please do not disseminate this message without the permission of the author. If you have received this message in error please delete it and immediately notify the sender." ============================== 以小弟破爛的英文理解能力略作解釋 第一段就是說他們沒打算在70-300加入os功能 第二段大概是署名,順便跟我推薦去買他們家的幾個鏡頭,這些鏡頭會讓我大開眼界 第三段意思大概是叫我不要散撥這些資訊XD 但是我好像正在這麼作.... 不過我想這種應該不是什麼機密資訊 就算有打算秘密開發,或是早就做好了只是在等待時機發表 也不太可能隨便跟我這種寫信去問的來路不明的人說實話 看來我還是找現成有防手振的望遠好了@"@ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Decill 來自: (08/23 00:34)
ithing:這顆的改款變成有HSM而已 看來原PO只好求70-300VR 08/23 01:08
ithing:第三段 應該是任何公司內部發到外部信件的一些責任宣言 08/23 01:09
Decill:70-300太貴啦XD 08/23 01:09
Decill: vr 08/23 01:10
ithing:那不就還好他沒列出 EX DG 200-500mm F2.8這管~~ 08/23 01:12