精華區beta DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
為了幾隻鏡頭哪一天上市吵起來實在沒意思 來摸乳....我是說看看乳摸過過乾癮比較實在 有人提到10/15這個日子是吧? 看來有一些消息確實有可能在這天釋出(不是上市喔~~) http://nikonrumors.com/2009/10/10/what-to-expect-from-nikon-next-week.aspx 1.D3s Nikon D3s should be a sure thing. This is a collection of the rumored Nikon D3s specs: ISO 200-12800 New ISO range HI-3 at 102,400 ISO 12.1 mp FX sensor (same as the D3, but tweaked) D-movie with 24 fps/1080p New 1.2x or 1.3x crop mode 14fps 還沒高潮嗎? 請繼續往下摸.....我是說繼續看下去XD 2.24mm f/1.4 Nikon AF-S 24mm f/1.4 lens: there were some rumors on dpreview and Thom Hogan also thinks that this lens will be released next week (see his comment here). I have not received any reliable information yet but this doesn’t mean it won ’t happen. Spring 2010 is when I expect this lens to be announced based on a previous tip. 3.85mm (f/1.4 & f/3.5 DX VR?) Nikon AF-S 85mm lens: I strongly believe that this lens will be announced next week. Nikon have filed two patents: one for 85mm f/1.4 and another one for a Micro AF-S 85mm f/3.5 DX VR. It doesn’t make sense to announce a DX lens with the D3s, but this is still a possibility. 4.100-500mm f/4-5.6 IF-ED VR Nikon AF-S 100-500mm f/4-5.6 IF-ED VR lens: this lens should be released first or second quarter of 2010. If announced next week, the availability will be few months from now. 5.16-35mm f/4G ED VR Nikon AF-S Nikkor 16-35mm f/4G ED VR: this rumor came from a Japanese forum. I have no other info on this lens. 各位N迷們 此刻讓我們一起低頭禱告... -- I am the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus answered, No one comes to the Father except through me. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
FerrariF50 :85的微距? 10/14 00:45
hitsukix :聽說還有APS的隨身機 10/14 00:57
darker :低頭禱告可以中樂透ing 10/14 01:01
onono :這麼多VR~ 該不會VR再進化了吧!!!100-500VR 多大管 10/14 01:23
taichiayin :看了我都...__了!*^++++^* 10/14 01:28
ithing : JIZZ 10/14 01:42
ithing :16-35/4 ?? 小三元前傳? 10/14 01:43
jasoncut :100-500 VR 真帥氣的焦段 10/14 01:43
vic81324 :100~500好酷唷不過價格低於黑六應該滿有市場的? 10/14 03:21
zealot :D3S一定買不起 >"< 比較期待D700S :) 10/14 04:24
goldmark :D700x 10/14 08:23
ukujam :D700s or D700x 看來沒明年應該不會出 10/14 09:23
ukujam :NR綜合各方訊息的結論 10/14 09:23
bullock :期待nikon 24mm F1.4 10/14 09:32
mornlunar :nikon 24mm F1.4讓我驚呼了一下...XD 10/14 09:45
victoryuy :買不起高潮不起來 比較想要新的標準焦段全幅VR鏡 10/14 09:47
Asucks :對24mm f/1.4很有興趣,出的話我一定收 10/14 10:07
gogoterence :對24mm f/1.4很有興趣,出的話我一定買不起 10/14 10:09
goldmark :超大光圈廣角鏡的用途是? 拍夜景更方便? 10/14 10:20
julyjungle :看來今年世貿三館攝影用品展精采了~~ 10/14 10:24
volcom :拍廣角也有淺景深? 10/14 10:24
alpe :在期待 16-35 10/14 12:14
ezalive :14 fps 被戳破了 10/14 12:29
sonyc503 :期待16-35+1 Nikon該有隻16起跳的廣角變焦鏡了!! 10/14 13:04