精華區beta DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.pentax.jp/english/support/digital/k-7_s.html (網頁往下拉有韌體下載連結) change log: * Added [Fine Sharpness 2] which makes image outlines even sharper than [Fine Sharpness] to the Sharpness setting of Custom Image. 增加Fine Sharpness 2的選項 (銳化程度加重) * Improved total image processing performance at the particular shooting condition or setting such as preview image quality at the "Water Color & Pastel" of Digital Filter mode. 改善特定拍攝情況或者特定設定時的影像處理效能 ex: 使用水彩畫或者彩色粉筆畫的特效時,提高了預覽特效時的影像畫質 (水彩畫還好 原本彩色粉筆畫的預覽一整個糟 XD) * Improved stability for general performance such as with Battery Grip D-BG4, the rear e-dial may rarely become unstable in particular shooting condition. 改善了使用電池手把時的穩定性 (舊版韌體在裝上手把後 特定狀況下後滾輪會不太正常) 簡單翻譯了一下 可能有錯請見諒:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Icarus4 來自: (10/22 12:48)