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Canon官方宣佈更新 5D Mark II 韌體 消息來源: (官網) http://cweb.canon.jp/e-support/products/eos-d/081219eos5dmk2.html (Digital Photography Review) http://www.dpreview.com/news/0901/090108025d2firmware.asp 新版韌體下載網頁: (日文) http://web.canon.jp/imaging/eosd/firm-j/eos5dmk2/firmware.html (英文) http://web.canon.jp/imaging/eosd/firm-e/eos5dmk2/firmware.html 新版的DPP與Picture Style Editor下載點: http://software.canon-europe.com/products/0010678.asp P.S: DPP的主程式 - 目前為止Americas的檔案還沒擺上;Asia的也沒有放上去;Europe的才有 -- 註記: DPP 的更新訊息 來源 Europe官網 DPP支援到 5D2+新版韌體,沒有新功能或其他的更新。 Support added for EOS 5D Mark II with firmware Version 1.0.7. Digital Photo Professional 3.5.2 also supports images taken with EOS 5D Mark II equipped with firmware version 1.0.6. However, the software will not apply the image improvements made in firmware 1.0.7 to images taken with the earlier firmware. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Bidoll 來自: (01/08 13:05)