精華區beta DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
A reader wrote us about the next release from Nikon @ Photokina: 24mm 1.4 AF-S 35mm 1.4 AF-S 50mm 1.4 AF-S 85mm 1.4 AF-S all "G" but not DXs not as sure about the 35mm as the others No meaty info on D90 yet stay tuned. Should be D300 chip in more prosumer body with live view D3x very evolutionary not as much revolutionary and will be same as D3 with the exception of the cmos size which you are correct about. Noise reduction and usability of high isos will take another radical jump from present gear I think we will see the D3x and primes announced at Photokina. The 70-200 should be there too. There is also an 80-400 replacement (AF-S) on the blocks but my guess would be that it will be introduced along with D90. I think the D90 is a PMA (feb) deal but it seems like D80s are out of stock all over. This isn't unusual though as occasionally Nikon will miss the mark with how long supply will last 轉貼來源 http://nikonrumors.com/2008/07/14/more-on-nikonphotokina.aspx -- 婚禮紀錄、網拍、外拍 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/reh815 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iyabn 來自: (07/17 23:15)
tookouw:50F1.4 終於來了!! 07/17 23:16
nuc1earsub:N 家不是本來就有 50 1.4 了嗎 @_@ 07/17 23:18
darker:重點是AF-S 07/17 23:20
enohs:如果是真的話..應該是針對數位優化吧.. 07/17 23:20
volgarv:還是想吃[閹機身AF]這塊餅嗎? 07/17 23:23
volgarv:然後把AI統統拿掉,這樣限制了舊市場,才能開發新市場 07/17 23:25
volcom:所以D90是無馬達機身?! 07/17 23:29
hesho855096:不知道這樣價錢如何...50 1.4會不會破萬阿 07/17 23:34
volgarv:現在想跟著EOS/Dynax的腳步(鏡頭馬達),還不嫌晚:p 07/17 23:35
tookouw:可以參考 60 MICRO 這隻 D版跟G版價差4000 07/17 23:37
tookouw:不過NIKON還真的是鐵了心 要加馬達就只裝AFS 不裝普通馬達 07/17 23:38
tookouw:N家普通馬達鏡頭 絕版好久了...只摸過一顆@@~ 07/17 23:38
volgarv:同行可以算便宜一點嗎?No, 我不是相機廠,我是當土匪的 07/17 23:39
HighTemplar:有AFS不裝 倒退回去裝AF幹嘛?? 07/17 23:40
tookouw:C家就是 超音波跟普通馬達同時處在市場上呀~ 07/17 23:41
HighTemplar:一些定焦沒AFS被罵很久了 想要AF的我還是第一次遇到 07/17 23:42
volcom:N上一次發表無馬達的鏡頭是多久前的事了? 07/17 23:43
sim3000:35 1.4 讚阿!! 07/17 23:43
tookouw:N家上一次發表 AF-I鏡頭 應該更久了... 07/17 23:48
eric2003002:價格不知怎樣...科科 07/17 23:52
volgarv:N家要AI、AF、AF-S三者合一,還是拆了單賺[閹機身AF] 07/17 23:56
hitsukix:看了60mm afs 我覺得價格科不起來...= = 07/17 23:56
myqoo:終於可以跟c家比拼的定焦鏡可以選了,但是價錢應該不便宜! 07/18 00:11
enohs:再貴也有人會去買吧..不一堆人在拋D300?? 07/18 00:12
ithing:昨天在01有看到這個rumor消息 倒是很推35 1.4 然後撿二手85 07/18 00:37
ferrarii:會像canon的L鏡那麼貴嗎@@....希望不要啊>< 07/18 01:16
owenx:NIKON應該也是要跟canon一樣走低價機身高價鏡頭路線了。 07/18 01:21
owenx:畢竟現在大家都知道賣機身賺不到錢,騙消費者買鏡頭比較實在 07/18 01:21
husky2:F-mount做得出24mm f1.4? 懷疑... 07/18 01:49
F7788:F-mount當初也被懷疑說 做不出135MM的FF了 現在呢? 07/18 02:16
chienjr:那些懷疑論者,還是在kodak的F-mount全幅機賣到停產之後繼 07/18 09:30
chienjr:續一直在講....就像是認為DSLR不可能live view的人在s5pro 07/18 09:31
chienjr:出品之後還繼續一直在講.... 07/18 09:32
dvdr2001:做的出來啦~值不值得做有沒有人買才是要考慮的事 07/18 09:41
ithing:為什麼沒有28/1.4 , 58/1.2 07/18 10:05
alayaosu:樓上請到EBAY找XD 07/18 16:12