精華區beta DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
先大概講一下我對測光的認知,有錯請大家糾正喔, 測光就是相機會依據測光錶的資料,調整快門和光圈,使曝光呈現約為灰色的18% 所以我的問題就是,為什麼需要測光測畫面中約為灰色的物體, 再來就是想問,用點測光應該要如何選擇測光的點? (灰色的物體?) 尤其主題是會動的,或是說白色比較多的,都讓我很困擾。 不知道表達的是不是有點怪,歡迎大家多回答討論喔 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wliu:白色的物體,就加ev就行了,配合ae-l,還有經驗 04/28 12:59
chrislux:多謝,很有幫助^^,所以是不是能測到灰色的就不需補償了 04/28 22:04
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: logi (要正面面對困境) 看板: DSLR 標題: Re: [問題] 測光的問題 時間: Sat Apr 28 20:09:58 2007 ※ 引述《chrislux ()》之銘言: : 先大概講一下我對測光的認知,有錯請大家糾正喔, : 測光就是相機會依據測光錶的資料,調整快門和光圈,使曝光呈現約為灰色的18% : 所以我的問題就是,為什麼需要測光測畫面中約為灰色的物體, 這樣會讓照片所呈現的和眼睛所見的最為一致 : 再來就是想問,用點測光應該要如何選擇測光的點? (灰色的物體?) 測要拍攝的主體,譬如人臉,因為主體的亮度是最重要的 : 尤其主題是會動的,或是說白色比較多的,都讓我很困擾。 這時候平均測光比較好,若白色較多就增加曝光補償 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Typical scenes for Spot or Partial Metering You should be aware of the followings points: * Don't meter to the brightest spot of the scene - this would lead to underexposed results. Try to find a place which has to be exposed right but always think of the limitation of the metering system. * Even spot or partial metering cover a substantial area of the picture (up to 9.5%). E.g. the partial metering in the big picture (slot canyon) above points to a very bright spot but it surely contains some of the shadowed areas - in this special case it leads to a correct result. * Normally print films can process a range of around 7 EV=f-stops (slide film: up to 5 EV) so you should choose spots which are a little bit darker than shown in the pictures above. If the amount of contrast in a scene exceeds the limitations of the film your main subject will be outshined or a "skyline"-effect will occure. You can use the latter as a stylistic element like in the picture to the lower left (looks better projected than scanned). Trick: You can gain 1 EV by pre-exposing the film: o switch to multi-exposure mode (#2) o pre-expose with a high-shutter speed and small aperture to a blank paper (e.g. 1/2000s, f/22) o expose your picture (non-compensated) "Black" will probably not as dense as normal but there shouldn't be any further side-effects.