精華區beta DSLR 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.dyxum.com/dforum/nex-and-adaptors_topic62746_page4.html 雖然眾說紛紜,但是Dyxum的這位Robbie A說了很多次, 他試用了許多A-mount鏡頭都可以順利在NEX上af 看了一下他在dyxum的post也不是那種一貼就跑的小白... I tested the cameras with several Sony lenses.. all lenses that I used (no, there were no screw drive lenses) focussed fine and reasonably fast other than the 70-300 G lens which focussed a bit slower but I think that this could be expected on a lens of this size.. I used an 18-55, 24-70, 50mm, 70-300G.... I think we must keep in mind the market that this camera is aimed at.. certainly not the more serious DSLR users, but more the intermediate between point and shoot and lower end DSLR's.. those users will not have a cupboard full of lenses that will have to perform. However, for us, who have lenses, the adaptor works well. I believe that we had the first fully functional adaptors that worked correctly at the event that I attended.. ANd yes, I did take some pics and the pics looked good... with the adaptor on that is.. 可以用A-mount AF的 NEX是很恐怖的.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
volcom :鏡頭沒有馬達怎麼跑? NEX機身有馬達? 05/24 09:14
ShauEn :Dpreview的編輯親口說了 他們拿到的版本 是沒有辦法 05/24 09:17
ShauEn :自動對焦的 05/24 09:17
RKubica :他舉的哪些鏡頭 都是有馬達的 05/24 09:36
Daredevi1 :1F做做功課好嗎...Toru Katsumotoe (Sony Senior GM) 05/24 09:37
Daredevi1 :Autofocus should be working with the adapter and 05/24 09:37
Daredevi1 :and we have engineers still working very hard 05/24 09:38
NCK :一開始很多人測SSM鏡頭也是不能AF 她測SSM/SAM都可以 05/24 09:46
ckdick :然後就變超大隻的了....一點都不輕便呀Orz.. 05/24 09:46
volcom :所以現有轉接環可以AF有馬達的鏡頭 05/24 09:46
yjc :我記得上次看報導有提到, Sony表示a鏡可以AF, 只是 05/24 10:01
yjc :工程師還在解決韌體問題, 未來透過韌體更新就可以AF 05/24 10:01
yjc :報導:http://0rz.tw/SXt7K 搜尋"AF not working" 05/24 10:25
volcom :所以以後有可能可以AF無馬達的鏡頭嗎? 05/24 10:37
rosefan :有可能馬達裝在轉接環上??? 05/24 11:35
qilar :據說是未來可以AF~但不知道是出新轉接環還是更新軔體 05/24 11:42
nthomas :樓下某篇文章已經指出 現在沒辦法AF 05/24 16:30
RS512 :希望可以 05/24 17:36