精華區beta Datong 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ID:Mister Dave 性別:Male 生日:January 28th 1985 身高、體重:6'3" 155 lbs. 住家:Near Confucious Temple 國小: 1.日新國小 2.蓬萊國小 3.雙蓮國小 4.太平國小 5.永樂國小 6.大同國小 7.延平國小 8.大橋國小 9.明倫國小 10.大龍國小 11.其他: (擇一填寫) 國中: 1.忠孝國中 2.建成國中 3.民權國中 4.蘭州國中 5.靜修女中(國中部) 6.成淵高中(國中部) 7.重慶國中 8.其他:? (則一填寫) 高中職、五專: 大學、技術學院:University of Maryland, USA 研究所: MSN&E-mail:[email protected] 沒有相簿沒有真相: 喜歡大同區的原因: 住大同區的感覺: I feel good living in DaLong, it is a unique cultural experience and also very convenient with lots of Taiwanese food options as well as a plenitude of Tea Bars.There are also a lot of crazy old peole hanging out in the streets and parks and some of them seem really freindly but some have a crazy look in their eyes and I am fearful they might run over a stray dog on their motorcycle. I hope to introduce you to the life of a foreigner in your wonderful neighborhood. Im a vegetarian so I enjoy dining at the Vegetarian Buffet at the Dalong nightmarket. I also enjoy the Egg and Cheese Sandwiches at the breakfast bar in the abovementioned nightmarket. I like living here becuase the area seems more genuine and authentic and cultural, and quiet. I used to live in DaHu and there were a lot of kids running about at 4 AM making lots of noise and keeping me from sleep! It seems this area is populated by an older crowd. My girlfriend also lives in the area and she said I should be sure to mention the "black tea" house. I like riding my bike and yoga. I have been in Taiwan a year teaching english and also studying Chinese. I plan to be here for another year, before I go back to my country, USA! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
iamhsg:Wow~超國際化的大同板~ XDDD 09/20 23:59
iamhsg: Welcome to Datong! 09/20 23:59
Imart:hihi,這是我的ID啦,我也住在大同區,加起來超過10年了吧 09/21 00:09
Yvonne0105:樓上是PO文者的女朋友? 09/21 00:11
Imart:板友若在大龍街附近碰到外國人,請幫他練習中文,感謝關照 09/21 00:12
iamsure520:wish u can enjoy the place as my home town!!welcome 09/21 00:13
thjyrsj:有沒有中文版=_= 徵求翻譯 09/21 00:18
toast520520:我翻好了...翻得不好 請多指教 :P 09/21 00:32
wenmeme:整個很想學習口說...呵呵~~ 09/21 01:40
CacTus69:內湖晚上真的很吵 一堆飆車的!! 祝你在大同住得愉快~ 09/21 19:14
iamhsg:樓上~內湖 大湖 傻傻分不清楚 09/21 20:20
Hardaway0504:那我來教你台語好了~~~呵呵 09/21 23:59
cooc1082600:恩...是英文的自介呢~ 09/22 00:35
hasimofo:我前幾天再民權西的家好像看到一個高高的阿杜阿,,, 09/22 09:59
chungyo:第一段還搞笑的 09/23 05:07