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他在講他們聖誕節的事: ( punsch = black tee mixed with a lot of spices, a lot of rum and other spirits. gluehwein= sugar, wine, rum, spices. if you want a real rezept just ask. but i dont think it gets cold enough i taiwan to really need it.) gluehwein= sugar, wine, rum, spices. if you want a real rezept just ask. but i dont think it gets cold enough i taiwan to really need it.) dont think it gets cold enough i taiwan to really need it.) 上面的real rezept是什麼意思~謝謝 另外,他給了我住址是: stefan stiligz skallgasse 14 A - 3400 Klosterneuburg stefan stiligz是他的名字,如果我要寄給他的話是住址的前面也要寫他的名字嗎? 後面要不要加個austria?(靠…實在覺得這些問題很笨…但是想確定一下) 謝謝大大解答 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
delr:Rezept就是配方﹐食譜。地址寫法就是先寫名字﹐再寫街道 01/15 04:14
delr:zip﹐城市﹐最後當然要寫Austria 01/15 04:15
navyocean:那個"A"應該是代表Austria的意思 01/15 21:38
affir:謝謝!感恩 01/15 23:45