精華區beta Diary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
標題: 時間: Sun Dec 27 07:15:12 2009 I can't remember how many times I woke up like this, despite all night's focus on the books, ending up feeling nothing that made me exhausted after all. It may be too early for myself physically, but waking up at 6:00 AM, a time I don't get used to much, seems like a habit that had took place so many places that I couldn't find anything wrong with it. Getting up early still proves not harder than bring those memories back. How deep did you have to love a woman to feel she never disppeared and just had hiden behind the corner of your mind? The visible reason that came to my mind is that I loved her too much. 我已經不曉得我該如何面對這樣醒過來的方式了,當意識充滿腦門的那剎那, 就再也找不回那樣子的深層,於是坐在床角,看著牆上映出外面路燈的光影, 然後試著用已經充電完的大腦慢慢觀察這房間每一個角落,與其說是尋找那所 謂不尋常的東西,倒比較像是用目光代替身體去感覺這片熟悉的小地方,然後 從中找出自己還活著的一點證據而已。 也許有一天當我不想她的時候,她才會想起我,或我們曾經說過的話,那時候 ,說不定她已經在某個人肩膀上倚靠著,這些也只是一瞬間的念頭而已。 如果我的一些想法,會把我和她的幸福剝奪殆盡,那我寧願自己受苦,成全她 一輩子的快樂。 Sometimes, we have to jump off the cliff. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: precipitate 來自: (12/27 07:17)