精華區beta Diary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
  有時候,總會忍不住覺得自己的不夠tough而使得很多人為我而擔心。我 不想要這樣,但好像無論我怎麼做,永遠都只是個讓人擔憂的孩子,一個很難 長大的孩子。   I wanna do something right.But whatever I do, it seems just like a joke.   All of this I tried is nothing.   或許我的想法是過於悲觀,但有時候,人在面對未知的環境時,總是會手足 無措,總是會不知道怎樣的抉擇才是對的。這樣的疑慮,往往都是出現在藉口產 生時,我知道這不是理由,但我真的是個膽小鬼,我總是處在害怕的狀況下,杞 人憂天,然後逼自己堅強,站起來,往前走。   This is life. All I have to is accept it or ...I don't know how or what I should do right now.      我想告訴我自己,就算未來的那段路充滿荊棘,那又如何,畢竟我也不是沒 有過這樣的經驗,不是嗎?我一定得相信我自己,否則又有誰能先相信我呢?如 果連我自己都沒辦法做到給自己信心的話,那還有誰能夠給我信心呢?   力量是靠我自己給予的。   All I need is confidence. And the one who can give that to me...is noly myself. It's so hard to make the decision, but I still make it. I have to trust the decision I made is right, is really what I want. And then, the next step is keeping and going on. I believe myself. I have to!! Ashlee 2007.06.13 wed -- 我飛過一片荒漠 飛過你的心 然後 找到一片綠洲 找到我自己 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: