精華區beta DietDiary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
第幾天了\(‵▽′)>:4 早餐:160.65/15.3/63--統一牌無糖豆漿450cc 午餐: 120/13/200-->茶葉蛋X2(扣掉其中一粒蛋黃,但是魯太鹹HI-LIFE的) 260.9/6.49/103.73-->京都里肌三角飯糰 water as much exercise: daily life but walk more than 3 k meters yesterday dinner: happy weekend started and no record is made. ----------------------------------------------------- 2011/5/21:day 5: Happy Saturday and travel to -- without boring record. 2011/5/22:day 6: Happy Sunday and playing in -- without boring record. ※ 編輯: guesttry 來自: (05/23 00:09)