精華區beta DietDiary 關於我們 聯絡資訊
第幾天了\(‵▽′)>:19 早餐:160.65/15.3/63-->統一無糖豆漿 午餐:154/0.6/332-->7-11 千島醬 152/6.84/63.27-->7-11 活力堅果沙拉 165/5.232/147.15-->7-11 炭火燒霜降豬 631.65/27.972/605.42 受到良好血壓的激勵,我決定勵行低鈉的飲食,只要 Na一天能吃到500毫克 就不用擔心缺乏的問題,以我的熱量要求1400卡的習慣, 每一百大卡只要有36毫克鈉 就會符合標準,甚至一天只要有吃到千島醬就幾乎不會低鈉... 晚餐:如計畫般的... Q-square泰式檸檬豬... 精神力的展現~~說吃就要去吃..如山谷之必有回音... 在這麼不確定的年代,還有這麼移動迅速的空間... 運動: 喝水量:As I want 今天的心情:Saturday, I want to go to Q-Square this evening to eat 泰式檸檬豬套餐, and then go to Carrefour to buy a glass-made bowel academic reading: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hep.22004/pdf We read with great interest the article by Bravi et al.1 The authors report a 41% lower risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in coffee drinkers compared to never drinkers. Possible Confoundingfactors: 1. Some studies offer a biologic basis for caffeine consumption behavior. 阿.. Who Knows His boring genetic factors..... 2. Another mechanism for coffee’s apparent effect may be through the lowering of hepatic iron reserves, which is a well known proinflammatory hepatic carcinogen. 意思是說, Low iron intake+coffee intake 就能夠網羅全部的效應...何難之有... 管他有沒有 confounding....活命要緊阿... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: guesttry 來自: (06/04 14:04) ※ 編輯: guesttry 來自: (06/04 14:05) ※ 編輯: guesttry 來自: (06/04 14:41) 2010/6/5: 20th day. 某國中老師的生日..年年辦的像在幫蔣介石祝壽... You better mother咧! (妳媽卡好!) ※ 編輯: guesttry 來自: (06/06 12:25)