精華區beta Drum 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛在整理房間的時候 意外翻到以前參加打擊樂夏令營的東西 有一份資料 是那時一個外國的爵士鼓大師steve houghton 印給我們的教材 這是關於他的介紹 http://www.drummerworld.com/drummers/Steve_Houghton.html 嗯...其實以上不是重點啦 我把那份教材上的東西po給大家參考看看 (可是是全英文的...我雖然看的懂但是沒辦法完美翻出來 請哪位版友好心能翻譯一下 >"< ) -------------------正題開始分格線--------------------- 1. Keep solid time > This simply means to pay attention to your time keeping. > Practice with a drum machine or metronomo. > Counting out loud while learning the new beats will help a lot. 2. Make it feel good > This is really a matter of listening to what is going on around you and fitting in musically. Especially listen to the bass player. > Balance......the balance between limbs can really affect the feel, for example, if the hi-hat is too loud in a rock groove or the bass drum too loud in a Latin groove, it can sound (feel) very uncomfortable, even if the time is steady. Feel has to be realized, mostly through listening to the masters of all the different styles. 3. Play with energy and purpose > It is very common when learning a groove or beat to play it kind of timidly. This, of course, won't work because the drummer is the backbone of any group, so play with some spirit and enthusiasm. 4. Have Fun > This is actually the most important element of mosic. If you aren't having fun, forget it because the music will always suffer. 呼....打的快累死了...... 看來我的英打大概一分鐘只有30字...Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ffej 來自: (09/05 23:17)
onlyc:挖 這打擊營超貴ㄟ 應該要快兩萬吧 好羨幕喔 09/06