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By DAVID BAUDER, AP Television Writer NEW YORK - ABC will cast Geena Davis as a female president in the ultimate juggling act between work and family, part of a change-filled fall schedule that tries to capitalize on this season's unexpected success. A remake of the shortlived 1970s occult series "Kolchak: The Night Stalker" is also among the three new dramas and two comedies ABC said Tuesday it will introduce in the fall. The network's comeback this year was fueled by "Desperate Housewives," "Grey's Anatomy" and "Lost," all of which return — although "Lost" will move back an hour to start at 9 p.m. on Wednesday nights. The WB network also was scheduled to unveil its fall schedule Tuesday, a key moment for teen trend spotters. Davis stars with Donald Sutherland in "Commander-in-Chief" on Tuesdays. She assumes the presidency with twin teen-agers and a 6-year-old at home, and a party that wants her to resign rather than take over for a dying president. "It's not a political story," said Stephen McPherson, ABC entertainment president. "It's the story of a woman; it's the story of a wife; it's the story of a family." The network made schedule changes on every night, except for Saturday's movie and Sunday, which became a powerhouse when "Desperate Housewives" became a sensation. ABC canceled the Damon Wayans comedy "My Wife and Kids" and "8 Simple Rules," which soldiered on for two years following the death of star John Ritter. "Blind Justice," "Extreme Makeover" and "Less Than Perfect" were also axed. But the network surprisingly renewed a handful of comedies that seemed threatened by poor ratings: "Hope & Faith," "George Lopez" and "Jake in Progress." All were given new time slots as the network spread sitcoms on three nights — four after "Monday Night Football" ends its final year on ABC. Following football, ABC will turn Mondays into a showcase for single people looking for love, with a new comedy starring Heather Graham and a new drama about the last man in a group of friends to get married. ABC's other new fall series: "Invasion," about an alien invasion that will appeal to "Lost" fans; "Freddie," a comedy with Freddie Prinze Jr. as a bachelor who yearns for family; and "Hot Properties," about four women who work in a Manhattan real estate office. ABC said it had ordered five other new series that will debut sometime during the next season. The network also renewed both of its ratings-troubled newsmagazines, "20/20" and "Primetime Live." more http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=&ie=UTF-8&q=ABC&btnG=Search+News -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: