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軟體名稱: Folfer Mover 官方網站: http://www.eazsolution.com/en/download_foldermover.php 下載連結: http://www.eazsolution.com/download/folder-mover.exe 軟體版本: 1.0 穩定版 軟體分類: 檔案軟體 執行平台: Windows 9x~XP (注意:官網未標明支援Vista作業系統) 語言介面: 簡易英文 軟體特色: 超傻瓜,功能陽春,無痛移動含個人資訊的系統資料夾 推薦原因: 同上,並附官網解說: Why move System Folders to another drive or partition? Most folks place their personal data in My Documents, in Outlook Emails or on Windows Desktop. Unfortunately, these files or folders are by default located on the C: drive, the same drive that contains the Windows operating system. Storing these two things together on the same drive is not a great idea for several reasons. Here are just few: First, your personal data is very likely to be growing in size while Windows is not. In this era of multi mega pixel digital photos you are in real danger of filling up your C: drive. This progressively degrades Windows performance. Sooner or later you'll fill up the disk and have to make more space by deleting some of your personal files or get into the complex and problem- fraught exercise of increasing the size of your primary disk partition. Second, it complicates backup. Your personal data is changing all the time while the Windows operating system changes much less frequently. That means your personal data needs to be backed up more frequently than Windows. With both on the same drive you'll end up making very large drive images and having to create them more frequently as well. Similar to the backup process, if you have EAZ-FIX protecting your system. Restoring the system to an earlier snapshot will restore your personal data and Window operating system to an earlier time. Restoring the OS and programs to an earlier time might be exactly what you want but restoring personal data to an earlier time might not be what you want. Moving System Folders to another drive or partition is easier than you think If you have two or more partitions on your hard drive, or if you have more than one hard drive, it might be a good idea to move some of those system folders to another drive or partition. EAZ Solution provide a FREE Folder Mover utility that allows you to easily move some important and space-hogging system folders to another partition. You can use Folder Mover to move the following folder to another partition: 1. My Documents 2. Windows Desktop 3. IE History 4. Recent Files 5. Outlook Express Emails 6. IE Temporary Files 7. Windows Temporary Files 8. IE Favorites Download type: Free Software Got questions: [email protected] Benefits of moving System Folders to another drive or partition 1. Put your important personal data to a place you know. 2. Separate you data from Windows operating system, when the OS is in trouble, your data is safe. 3. Save disk space from those space-hogging system temporary files. 4. Setup EAZ-FIX to protect your Windows OS partition only, so when you restore the system to an early snapshot, your data files are kept current. 誰適合用: 時常搞垮OS、注重系統安全或個人隱私資料保護、喜歡傻瓜型軟體 懶得每次重灌就要備份一次者 誰不適合用: 打死不想認識英文者、不常對電腦動手動腳者 使用感想: 移動大檔案的速度有點慢...還沒確定是否也因為要重新指向的關係, 否則若是桌面或我的文件夾裡的大型檔案 可以自行移動到他處再進行此動作 附註: 是綠色的單一執行檔 本著作依據 Creative Commons 姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享 授權條款為授權 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Carvel 來自: (04/13 14:18)
selwyndd21:不知道配合ramdisk好不好用? 04/13 16:32