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水資源法案遭布希否決 美國國會企圖翻盤 http://e-info.org.tw/node/28020 摘譯自2007年11月6日ENS美國,華府報導;蔡秦怡編譯;蔡麗伶審校 全文及圖片詳見 http://www.ens-newswire.com/ens/nov2007/2007-11-06-01.asp 美國國會民主黨與共和黨員決定聯手推翻布希總統否決水資源法案之決議。 此一水道基礎建設與環境保護法案總預算達230億美元, 日前已由參眾兩議院表決通過。 布希總統於2日否決這項水資源計畫(Water Resources Development Act, WRDA), 布希表示,「這項法案缺乏財政上的編列依據。」 WRDA為核准美國境內流域與海岸的水運商業活動之影響評估計畫的進行, 同時也核准重要的棲地重建與環境計畫。 繼柯林頓總統於2000年簽署的一項水資源法案正式立法之後, WRDA為國會近期內首度通過的水資源法案。 參議院於9月24日以81:12多數贊成通過,眾議院也已於8月以381:40表示同意。 布希對於否決此案則表示, 「眾議院已將一個預算150億美元的法案進入協商程序, 再加上參議院提出140億美元的法案, 雙方不去達成一個共識,卻合併要華府花費230億美元。 從財政方面來看並不負責任,特別是當地社區正急待資金以進行計畫。」 Heading: Congress Intends to Override Bush Water Resources Veto Authorship: WASHINGTON, DC, November 6, 2007 (ENS) English Content: Congressional Democrats and Republicans are united in their determination to override President George W. Bush's veto of a $23 billion waterways infrastructure and environmental protection bill that passed both the House of Representatives and the Senate with solid veto-proof majorities. Saying, "This bill lacks fiscal discipline," the president Friday vetoed the Water Resources Development Act, WRDA, which authorizes projects that impact waterborne commerce on the nation's rivers and coasts. WRDA also authorizes critical habitat restoration projects and environmental projects. This is the first water resources bill passed by Congress since President Bill Clinton signed a water bill into law in 2000. On September 24, the Senate voted in favor of the WRDA bill by a margin of 81-12. The House approved the bill in August by a vote of 381-40. In his veto message, President Bush said, "The House of Representatives took a $15 billion bill into negotiations with a $14 billion bill from the Senate and instead of splitting the difference, emerged with a Washington compromise that costs over $23 billion. This is not fiscally responsible, particularly when local communities have been waiting for funding for projects already in the pipeline." 關鍵字: 財政 | 水資源 | 布希 | WRDA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: