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※ [本文轉錄自 IA 看板] 作者: dblsesame (來不及防備就已被打敗) 看板: IA 標題: [編譯] 買家大團結! 胡蘿蔔暴民比抵制酷 時間: Wed Jun 3 10:08:01 2009 http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1898728,00.html Shoppers, Unite! Carrotmobs Are Cooler than Boycotts By JEREMY CAPLAN Friday, May. 15, 2009 Forget sticks, and stick with carrots instead. So says Brent Schulkin, founder of a fledgling movement of activist consumers employing a kind of reverse boycott that he calls a Carrotmob. The concept is simple: instead of steering clear of environmentally backward stores, why not reward businesses with mass purchases if they promise to use some of the money to get greener? 放下棍子,改成用胡蘿蔔吧! 一個叫做Carrotmob的創辦人Brent Schulkin是這麼說的。 這是一個才剛興起的利用反向抵制的消費者運動。它的概念很簡單:與其避開不環保 的店,不如用大量消費來獎勵願意把部份獲利用來做環保的店家。 "Traditional activism revolves around conflict," says Schulkin, 28, a San Francisco–based activist turned entrepreneur. "Boycotting, protesting, lawsuits — it's about going into attack mode," says the former Googler and onetime game developer. "What's unique about a Carrotmob is that there are no enemies." The focus is on positive cooperation, using the power of the casual consumer to help save the planet. " 傳統的運動是繞著衝突轉的,抵制、抗議、訴諸法律等手段都是攻擊模式。"二十八歲的 Schulkin說。他是來自舊金山搞運動出身的企業家。他之前在Google上班也作過遊戲設計 師。"Carrotmob獨特之處在於它沒有敵人。" 重點在於正向合作,用一般消費者的力量來 幫忙拯救地球。 The movement was born on March 29, 2008, when hundreds of green-minded patrons poured into a San Francisco convenience store after Schulkin solicited bids from 23 stores in the area to find the business that would promise to spend the highest percentage of Carrotmob profits on more energy-efficient lighting. The crowd spent more than $9,200 at the K&D Market, which then fulfilled its pledge to plow 22% of the day's revenue into greener lighting — with the haul from the Carrotmob providing enough cash to make all the improvements recommended by an energy auditor (and Carrotmob supporter). 這項運動誕生於2008年三月29號。數百名顧客湧入一家舊金山的便利商店響應Schulkin 23家當地的商家競標,答應用最高比率的來安裝節約能源照明的商店得標。當天 Carrotmob在K&D Market的消費額到達9,200美元,K&D Market也遵守諾言把當天收入的22% 用來安裝更環保的照明設備。 Carrotmob帶來了足夠的利潤讓店家完成了能源稽核員 ( 同時也是Carrotmob的支持者 )所有的建議。 Since then, Carrotmobs have branched out to 10 other U.S. cities — with offshoots in Finland and France — and this summer will be expanding into Philadelphia, where hundreds of consumer activists are gathering today to discuss ethos and strategy. Organizer Tony Montagnaro, 19, a sophomore at Rutgers, has been lugging 50-lb. bags of carrots across Philadelphia's college campuses, handing out thousands of carrots labeled with his blog address ( http://philly.carrotmob.org/ ) to spread the word about Carrotmobbing. The New Jersey student and part-time pizza chef says his carrot-toting antics are inspired by Schulkin's manifesto/music-video mash-up ( http://bit.ly/kioVP ). But the biggest surprise to Montagnaro — who says he plans to start aiming Carrotmobs at small stores in the center of Philadelphia — is how quickly older people grasp the concept. "Someone 65 or 70 often gets this right away," he says. "People my age can be slower." 從那時開始Carrotmobs已經擴展到10個其它的美國城市,也在芬蘭和法國有分支,今夏 將延伸到費城,數百位消費運動者今天在此討論精神和策略。召集人Tony Montagnaro 19歲, 是Rutgers 大學大二生,拖著50磅的胡蘿蔔在費城的大學校園分發標著他部落格 的胡蘿蔔來傳布Carrotmobbing的理念。這位紐澤西的學生也是兼差pizza厨師說他是 從Schulkin的宣言得到靈感的。但最讓Montagnaro驚訝的是年長的人很快就能理解這個 概念。"65、70歲的人立刻就懂了,和我同年的有時候還比較慢。" The reverse boycott is perfect for the growing cadre of slactivists — slackers who care just enough about causes to sign online petitions and join Facebook protest pages but lack the time, money or drive to do much else. 反向抵制很適合日漸增加的懶人運動者(slactivists) - 對關心的議題願意做線上連署 或是加入Facebook的抗議網頁但沒有時間、金錢、或是動力去更進一步參與的人。 Carrotmobs also carry extra appeal during tough economic times. Participants don't have to donate anything. They just shop for products they were planning to buy anyway, adjusting the time and place of purchase. By doing so, they help green a local business. 在經濟困難的時候Carrotmobs也特別有吸引力。參與者不需要捐贈任何東西。他們只要 去買原本就打算購買的東西。要調整的只有購買的時機和地點。只要這麼做他們能幫助 一個當地的店家更環保。 So what's next for Carrotmobbers? In addition to Montagnaro's plans for Philadelphia, activists in Hoboken, N.J., Kansas City, Mo., and elsewhere are gathering forces through Facebook, Twitter and the main Carrotmob.org hub. 所以Carrotmobbers的下一步是什麼呢? 除了Montagnaro在費城的計劃外,Hoboken, N.J. Kansas City, Mo.和其它地方的活動都正透過Facebook, Twitter和Carrotmob.org進行 中。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
elelaw:這招不錯~ 06/03 14:20
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zonaubade:好帥 原來我就是懶人運動者XD 感謝訊息分享:) 06/03 18:27
smallban9:問,那生活在台灣的捧由可以支持哪些店家?! 06/03 21:57
zonaubade:哈哈哈 那要看誰願意先去找家店 談好環保條件和運動者 06/03 22:50
zonaubade:方面的消費額度(幾啪拿來幹麼.累積到多少coco可成之類的 06/03 22:52
zonaubade:然後就可以在網路上po文發起啦 06/03 22:53
mavisQ:我也想當胡蘿蔔暴民~我最愛吃胡蘿蔔了~ 06/03 23:58
cd81:環境版變身為綠色合購版XD 06/04 07:52