精華區beta Ecophilia 關於我們 聯絡資訊
課名:環境倫理學 禮拜四下午678 於共208 老師是德馬丁(Martin Schonfeld) 他的研究興趣及專長是康德哲學、歐陸哲學、中國哲學、環境倫理學等 我沒上過他的課 想去聽聽看 版上如果有人有興趣可以來看看 以下附一些課程內容 詳請見info Course Contents We will study the implications of the environmental crisis for morality (the good) and reality (the being). We will examine its ethical and ontological aspects. We will also study the religions and philosophical traditions that are the historical causes of the environmental crisis. Thus the class has a theoretical and cultural focus. The class concerns Western philosophy, which we will compare with lujia(儒家), daojiao(道教), foxue(佛學), and chan(禪). Mostly we will discuss contemporary writings by various Western thinkers. The class is taught in English; ke shi ni men ke yi shuo guo yu; ru guo ni men shuo man yi dian, wo da gai ke yi ting de dong. (可是你們可以說國語;如果你們說慢一點,我大概可以聽得懂。) Previous knowledge about Western philosophy, as well as of environmental science, is certainly useful. But it is not a requirement. Course Requirements There will be four tests and one paper in the class. The course grade is based on the tests (80% of the course grade; each test counts 20% of the course grade) and the paper (20% of the course grade). Tests will be announced one week in advance. Tests are about the assigned readings as discussed in class. The paper should be 8-10 pages long. The topic of the paper is your choice, with the following conditions: (a) it must be about at least one of the readings assigned, and (b) it must be a philosophical examination, not a scientific report. Please inform me about your topic before writing your paper. Format We will study assigned readings in class through discussion and lectures. The assigned readings are mostly the so-called classical papers in environmental ethics, written in the past three decades. Note that because they are the “classics,” they are often the first attempt by philosophers to make sense of a certain problem. Such first tries are not always complete or correct. We need to analyze and criticize them. Your participation will make the course fun. Discussion, doubts, and questions are strongly encouraged. You will benefit if you read the assigned readings before the relevant class meeting. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: huck (如歌的行版) 看板: Ecophilia 標題: Re: 課程推薦-環境倫理學 時間: Fri Apr 11 01:23:51 2003 ※ 引述《aletheia (HERESY)》之銘言: : 課名:環境倫理學 : 禮拜四下午678 於共208 : 老師是德馬丁(Martin Schonfeld) : 他的研究興趣及專長是康德哲學、歐陸哲學、中國哲學、環境倫理學等 : 我沒上過他的課 想去聽聽看 : 版上如果有人有興趣可以來看看 : 以下附一些課程內容 今天去旁聽了一堂 老師講到關於動物權的部分 以我個人森林系的背景來說 課堂中環境與生態 生物的部分 大致上都可以聽懂 涉及一些哲學討論的部分 則有時會如鴨子聽雷 但老師將兩個領域交替進行 感覺頗有收穫 -- 想笑 就大聲地笑 能接吻 就不忙著說話 生命就該浪漫在美好的事物上 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: