精華區beta Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
OutRun的hack, 要自備rom跟安裝Visual C++等工具才能跑..@@ http://reassembler.blogspot.co.uk/p/cannonball-open-source-outrun-engine.html Binaries: Windows (Visual C++ compiled) http://www.massdestruction.co.uk/outrun/cannonball-v015a-w32.zip Windows (MinGW compiled): http://massdestruction.co.uk/outrun/cannonball-v015a-mingw32.zip Requirements: OutRun Revision B ROMs. They must be named correctly and placed in the roms subdirectory. You can optionally add the Japanese roms for additional courses (found in the outruno set). I would recommend running Cannonball from the console to see any error messages. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
aton602:rom要解壓縮到rom資料夾中才能讀取 01/16 14:59
aton602:還有他們有吸出官方修正的ROM的檔案,修正圖像擴大時走位 01/16 15:09
aton602:的BUG http://ppt.cc/Z6iC 01/16 15:10
aton602:內有工具,先把ROM解壓縮到in,按run完成後,再從out資料 01/16 15:14
aton602:夾取出修改後的檔案 01/16 15:14