精華區beta Emulator 關於我們 聯絡資訊
如果是用2D的方式表現 DOOM... 會如何? MiniDOOM - Launch Trailer, play now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i0AYHCWRTI
http://calavera.studio/en/games/minidoom/ MiniDOOM is very short parody game based on the classic game DOOM 1. We created it as part of a game programing course we gave over here to show how to make a simple platformer on GameMaker Studio. You can play MiniDOOM below, over at newgrounds of you can download it a bit further on this page! Enjoy! Latest version: minidoom v 1.3 (10.7 MB, windows) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MiniDOOM - Normal Difficulty Playthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CmMfRXOSdE
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spacetravel: 小槍子彈無限就差很多了 在DOOM裡無限的只有拳頭啊啊 09/07 06:36
aton602: 我自己就做過啊 09/07 07:08
aton602: http://goo.gl/s7s8Nm 09/07 07:10
superrockman: 一樓你忘記電鋸了嗎!!XD(鋸過去) 09/07 11:01
rockmanx52: 忘記是公爵還哪款的其中一作就有負責2D版啊XD 09/07 13:19
rockmanx52: 「附贈」 09/07 13:19
playerlin: 毀滅公爵最初是橫捲2D遊戲啊(1、2代),3D才變成FPS... 09/07 19:36
playerlin: 之後還有spin-off的曼哈頓計畫也是橫捲但是為3D。 09/07 19:37