精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Lovetech ( )》之銘言: : 噗吃~ XD : 簡單的請說慢一點可以變成一個討論串 : 我想可能是問的人都沒想到的 : 不過原波想必應該跟那位語言交換的人不熟 : 在不熟的情況就開種族玩笑或語中帶刺 : 我想是非常不妥的 : 而且這樣的話一說出去 : 還會給人有愛耍伶牙俐齒的觀感出現 : 既然說者無意 聽者可能會有心 : 那就不應建議初學者說些讓自己陷入危險的話 : (這危險並不是說會被砍 指的是人際關係上的尷尬) : 畢竟後果是原波承受 而他只是很無辜的引用網路上的說法而已.... Do you really think I was serious about suggesting shinkirou use the first one? Do you really think shinkirou is so naive that she/he couldn't tell which one is appropriate? Yes, the first one is obviously inappropriate for shinkirou to use. My point is actually very simple. No words are evil in their very nature. The meanings of words depend on what the user means to use them and whom the user is communicating with. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Lovetech:問題是對英文不佳的人 他能夠判斷嗎-_-? 03/13