精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Whoa, calm down a bit...no offense here either! =) I'd say "hustle" and "bustle" are both grammatically considered verbs; however, we, people speaking English use these two words as a noun phrase. I'm not quite sure what you mean by doing some homework nor what Google Book search thing is. All I know is that the use of "hustle" and "bustle" as a verb pair is not so common, at least when speaking proper English. Well, I "could" be wrong and you could or could not believe what I said anyhow. 8-) ※ 引述《outofdejavu (Isolation)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《amuro11 (松阪蟑螂)》之銘言: : 推 outofdejavu:People hustle and bustle at the nightmarket 01/15 00:59 : 推 CHsu7:outofdejavu的句子雖然很「déja vu」,不過正確的用法應為 01/15 08:23 : → CHsu7:I like the hustle and bustle "of" the nightmarket. 01/15 08:23 : No offense, : 如果你要說 hustle and butsle 應該是名詞, : 那許多英語出版品把它當動詞用的應該就錯了吧?! : 我寫句子都有先做功課,我沒必要給錯的句子給別人 : Google Book search : "people hustle and bustle" : 共 35 頁 : "people hustled and bustled" : 共 21 頁 : "people hustling and bustling" : 共 51 頁 : (現在分詞...由動詞轉變...) : 35 + 21 + 51 = 107...... : ------ : 有道是「小地方用 at」,夜市是「小地方」,如果不能用 at.......... -- ChristopeRobin ﹡努優克鼕 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
foxhound1204:what do you mean by "we" people.... 01/17 04:42
foxhound1204:but since you are arguing w/ someone else 01/17 04:44
foxhound1204:I think I should stay out of this mess 01/17 04:44
CHsu7:oh, foxhound1204, i grew up speaking english.... 01/17 05:01
dunchee:Google Books: books.google.com One search sample: 01/17 05:17
dunchee:http://tinyurl.com/9lcnng 01/17 05:19
dunchee:Less used, yes, but not proper? I doubt it. 01/17 05:20
dunchee:All it tells me is you don't know. 01/17 05:20
CHsu7:well, sometimes improper english is used in books. 01/17 14:30
CHsu7:this also happens in chinese and other languages, 01/17 14:31
CHsu7:i assumed. 01/17 14:31
CHsu7:as i said earlier, you may wanna take what i said only 01/17 14:32
CHsu7:if you want. 01/17 14:32
CHsu7:i found some of the responses were made in an aggressive 01/17 14:35
CHsu7:way. i was only exlaining the use of 熱鬧. 01/17 14:38
CHsu7:and that's it.... :-C 01/17 14:40
stranger19:不否認一開始看會覺得C大的回答不夠精確 01/17 14:43
stranger19:但我應該C大是以其所知來回答大家 01/17 14:44
CHsu7:或是板上有任何人可以請教英語系的教授嗎?我也會問問 01/17 14:45
stranger19:而且說真的 有時候國外常用跟正確與否真的有差異 01/17 14:45
CHsu7:我的朋友,畢竟他們在美國土生土長,比我雖然講英文卻在 01/17 14:46
stranger19:因為也有ABC會覺得某些正確的用法怪怪的 01/17 14:46
CHsu7:台灣長大的人有的答案會更準確吧!?當然我會找英文本身就 01/17 14:47
stranger19:但非英語母語人士不了解他們的觀點,往往造成誤會 01/17 14:48
CHsu7:程度比較好的或大學主修英文的朋友問。但是我不認識任何教 01/17 14:48
CHsu7:英語的專業人士。之後再給我找到的答案吧!:) 01/17 14:49
stranger19:希望各位大大 不要因為討論而傷和氣 01/17 14:49
stranger19:我覺dejavu大和c大的文都很值得看 01/17 14:51
CHsu7:thanks tons stranger19! 01/17 14:52
foxhound1204:我之前要講的就是you can speak for the entire 01/17 15:39
foxhound1204:English speaking people so just try to avoid that 01/17 15:39
foxhound1204:correction: can't 01/17 15:40
CHsu7:sure, sure...foxhound1204. =] 01/18 05:04