精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
想請問一下~ 因為想增強自己的英文寫作能力, 想買一本英文書在無聊時來看, 由於現在在美國, 所以不知道是否有人可以推薦任何不錯的書或雜誌 ^^ thanks~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Xkang:Since you're in the US, you must have more opportunities 01/05 10:26
Xkang:to get boks than those in Taiwan...I suggest you to have 01/05 10:28
Xkang:a look in the bokstores around you. 01/05 10:28
Xkang:The word what I wrote is "book".One more o is necessary 01/05 10:29
okelddo:but i want to choose a book which is written by nice 01/05 10:31
okelddo:writer 01/05 10:32
okelddo:and I don't have any idea about any writer @@ 01/05 10:33
djnospam:任何一本都是好的,只要你喜歡就可以。花個下午在書局翻 01/05 11:03
djnospam:翻書,總會找到本你喜歡的 01/05 11:04
djnospam:(可以先看best sellers那一區) 01/05 11:08
toosp:可以去圖書館借? 01/05 11:50
okelddo:恩恩 thank you 01/05 12:04
olillian:真巧!我今天也問我們老師這個問題~他推薦海明威跟Narnia~ 01/05 13:11
olillian:我建議找看過的書讀,會比較能理解單字的用法~~ 01/05 13:13