精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.urbandictionary.com/ 想學一些怪怪的字彙,可以來看看,還有圖片,頗酷的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: sovereignty (China, China!) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [分享] 美國俚語網站 時間: Sun Aug 28 23:00:15 2005 : 推 sovereignty:請查5566...XD 08/27 : 推 eviltaco:我比較好奇版主為啥會去查5566= = 08/28 我絕對絕對不是你想的那樣...XD 底下是幾個經典的 entry。(感謝 ptt2 版友的幫忙) 1. Yanzi, Sun The best among all Asian female singers. What? You don't me? Search "The best among all singers". The first result will be HER. e.g. a. I love Sun Yanzi. b. Sun Yanzi? Isn't she the best Asian female singer? 2. 5566 n. people who come from mars people who can't sing people who like to touch girl's breast adj. describe someone who has no telented in singing or acting describe someone who looks like gay a. Stop singing! Your voice sounds like 5566! b. If you do something like 5566, you'll be put into the jail. 3. Taiwan A country I DO NOT wish to be united with China. I have gotten enough of the " Taiwan and China are like brothers" crap I have to say something at this point "Chinese don't kill Chinese" was the line the communists kept repeating when the nationalists government tried to eliminate the threat. Ok, fine, the nati onalists heard that and decided to let go--biggest mistake ever. A few years l ater the communists started to fight the nationalists, who ultimately fled to Taiwan. Oh, but that's not enough. Fifty years later when Taiwan has become an economical wonder they are here talking about *brothers* again! Sorry for me being skeptical, but I and perhaps MOST Taiwanese are not going to be stupid e nough to fall for that.The Chinese government should fix the starvation, illit eracy percentage, unequal property distribution, AIDS carriers, black governme nt operations, human rights violations and communistic society first, then may be Taiwan would consider an union. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: