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hashish,marijuana,cannabis,joint ※ 引述《ozami (退縮侵略積極)》之銘言: : 這四個單字實際上是代表同一個東西嗎 : 查了字典還是不清楚 基本上沒有差多少...;p 比較口語的是說hash/joint hashish 1 a purified resinous extract of the dried flower tops of the female hemp plant, used as a hallucinogenic See also: cannabis 2 any hallucinogenic substance prepared from this resin [ETYMOLOGY: 16th Century: from Arabic hashish hemp, dried herbage] cannabis 1 another name for hemp (the plant), esp. Indian hemp (Cannabis indica) 2 the drug obtained from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, which is smoked or chewed for its psychoactive properties. It produces euphoria and relaxation; repeated use may lead to psychological dependence See also: cannabin, hashish, marijuana, bhang [ETYMOLOGY: 18th Century: from Latin, from Greek kannabis; see hemp] marijuana, marihuana 1 the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, used for its euphoric effects, esp. in the form of cigarettes See also: cannabis 2 another name for hemp (the plant) [ETYMOLOGY: 19th Century: from Mexican Spanish] joint 9 (slang) a cannabis cigarette -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: