精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
因為看了文法書 上面說 what = the thing which whatever = anything which 請問這兩者有何差別 又以下兩句的意義或語氣有什麼不一樣 What I want is your advice. Whatever I want is your advice. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Voldemort (一葉飄然煙雨中) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] what與 whatever的差別 時間: Thu Jun 17 01:26:49 2004 : What I want is your advice. : Whatever I want is your advice. the second sentence doesn't make sense. "your advice" is a specific thing but not "anything." instead, you can say "All I want is your advice." besides, "whatever=anything which" is correct only when it's used in the middle of a sentence. when you're starting a sentence with "whatever", it's more close to "No matter what" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: cutehooter (Cheche) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] what與 whatever的差別 時間: Thu Jun 17 12:03:29 2004 Whatever 1.pron) no matter what: being the case in all circumstances 2.pron) emphatic "what": an emphatic form of "what" used to express an emotion such as surprise or perplexity 3.adverb) of any kind: used for emphasis 4.adverb) expressing mild disagreement: used to indicate that the speaker disagrees with what has just been said but is not prepared to argue What 1.adjective) that which: the person or persons that, or the thing or things that 2.adjective) emphasizing a reaction: used in exclamations to emphasize a reaction or opinion 以上是我從字典上查到的意思 應該比較能夠清楚說明這兩個字的差別 what的用法比較多 whatever大多是表達情緒上的用法 翻譯成無論如何 What I want your advice. 我想要的是你的建議 what在這裡是that which的意思 指後面句子所代表的事情 Whatever I want your advice. 無論如何(不管怎樣)我想要你的建議 如有錯誤 請指正 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: hibonda () 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] what與 whatever的差別 時間: Thu Jun 17 12:39:22 2004 我說的簡單一點好了(家教老師的口吻) What I want... 乃一 名詞子句,所以視為名詞。 What I want is your advice. ---> 我所要的 是你的忠告。 至於 whatever,就比較難。 whatever 可分解成為兩種: ___ 1. no matter what ---乃一連接詞 |___ 2. anything that ---乃一類似名詞 當你遇到whatever 時候,試著將他改寫成為上述兩種, 你會發現,一定只有一種適合! 你的例句: Whatever you want is my advice. 套用第一種,No matter what I want is your advice. 此句文法嚴重錯誤! 套用第二種,Anything that I want is your advice. 上面這個視為名詞子句,修飾前面的anything 翻譯為,我要的事物就是你的建議。 其實,當你想表達我想要的是你的建議時,用What帶領的名詞子句比較妥。 Whatever 通常用在無論...~ ex: Whatever you do, the result can't be changed. =No matter what you do, ... ---> 此時一定就要用連接詞的句子了! 另外在說明一個: ex: You can take whatever you like. 這句 則跟上句不同。 =You can take anything that you like. 希望你看的出來