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什麼時候用when? 什麼時候用while? 還是都沒有差別呢? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dale:前者重點在時間點,後者在一段時間。 09/30
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: enzolo (下個屁雨啦) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] when 與 while 用法有不同嗎? 時間: Wed Sep 29 23:56:52 2004 ※ 引述《Amiss (頭好痛!)》之銘言: : 什麼時候用when? 什麼時候用while? : 還是都沒有差別呢? 略有差別 以口語來說 while比較用在進行式 而when用在簡單式 如: While I was taking a shower, a thief broke into my house. They were singing when I came in. 不過兩種用法沒有很硬性的規定啦 都可以混用 不過我還是養成習慣這樣講了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: tpdog (討厭夏天) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: [問題] when跟while的差別在哪裡?? 時間: Sun Aug 18 19:00:07 2002 如題.... 我完全搞不懂.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Scarborough (Black Lily) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] when跟while的差別在哪裡?? 時間: Sun Aug 18 23:48:35 2002 ※ 引述《tpdog (討厭夏天)》之銘言: : 如題.... : 我完全搞不懂.... I think when is either asking about certain time, like "When are you going to do something", Or you can use when to point some specific time, like "I don't like to talk when I am eating". But "while" is a noun means "a short period of time". For example: This really took me a while. But while can also use as "In the meantime" Like "While I am doing something, then what happened.........I guess this is all I know how to explain it.....hope it helps. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: tpdog (討厭夏天) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] when跟while的差別在哪裡?? 時間: Mon Aug 19 00:16:55 2002 ※ 引述《Scarborough (Black Lily)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《tpdog (討厭夏天)》之銘言: : : 如題.... : : 我完全搞不懂.... : I think when is either asking about certain time, like "When are you going to do something", Or you can use when to point some specific time, like "I don't like to talk when I am eating". But "while" is a noun means "a short period of time". For example: : This really took me a while. But while can also use as "In the meantime" Like "While I am doing something, then what happened.........I guess this is all I know how to explain it.....hope it helps. 嗯 這樣我懂 但是如果像While Mother was cooking, I set the table for her.就是強調同時在進行 的動作嘛 那就不能用When Mother was cooking, I set the table for her.了嗎?? 還有I don't like to talk when I am eating.就不能用while嗎? 因為在這種時候他們兩個的意思好像沒有差別這麼大.... 另外我看文法書上面說WHILE所領導的句子要用過去進行式...現在式就不行嗎? 謝謝回答喔..... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: leaf0207 (la boheme) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [問題] when跟while的差別在哪裡?? 時間: Mon Aug 19 00:47:46 2002 ※ 引述《tpdog (討厭夏天)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Scarborough (Black Lily)》之銘言: : : I think when is either asking about certain time, like "When are you going to do something", Or you can use when to point some specific time, like "I don't like to talk when I am eating". But "while" is a noun means "a short period of time". For example: 嗯 : 這樣我懂 : 但是如果像While Mother was cooking, I set the table for her.就是強調同時在進行 : 的動作嘛 那就不能用When Mother was cooking, I set the table for her.了嗎?? : 還有I don't like to talk when I am eating.就不能用while嗎? 不能8...這邊的WHEN代表一種常態或習慣 : 因為在這種時候他們兩個的意思好像沒有差別這麼大.... : 另外我看文法書上面說WHILE所領導的句子要用過去進行式...現在式就不行嗎? 過去式的比較多....照理說現在式的應該沒有啦@@沒看過 : 謝謝回答喔..... while的用法限定較多....