精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
根據Merriam Webster字典的第一條解釋: "seperated by an interval or space greater then usual",然後在Longman裡面的解釋是:"far away from other places or people, and very few people go there" 可見remote偏向人煙罕至的那種遙遠。 far的話你可以在台灣說美國是一個far place,但你應該不會說美國是一個remote place 吧? 純屬個人見解,有錯請指正囉^^ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: LuciferXI (極簡) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: far跟remote 時間: Thu Jul 22 03:04:05 2004 : 根據Merriam Webster字典的第一條解釋: "seperated by an interval or space : greater then usual",然後在Longman裡面的解釋是:"far away from other places or ^a : people, and very few people go there" 可見remote偏向人煙罕至的那種遙遠。 : far的話你可以在台灣說美國是一個far place,但你應該不會說美國是一個remote place : 吧? 純屬個人見解,有錯請指正囉^^ 個人的判讀是看習慣使用... 如果單就原提問者 在時間或空間而言的用途上兩者的差異....其實沒差多少.... 但二者其他的意思有不同的用法.... 我個人建議在教學英文時, 請以「用法」而非「翻譯解釋」來教導學生單字詞彙 而學習「用法」的方式 1. 多查字典的用法說明,多看例句 2. 廣泛閱讀 以下是韋氏字典跟Collins字典的英英解釋,以資原提問者參考。 (其實我一直比較喜歡Collins...解釋簡單易懂又清楚明瞭....Webster有點太學究了) Merriam-Webster far: 1. at or to a considerable distance in space 2. a. to a great extent (表程度), e.g. far better method b. by a broad interval, e.g. the far distant future 3. to or at a definite distance, point, or degree, e.g. as far as.... 4. to an advanced point or extent (亦表程度) 5. at a considerable distance in time, e.g. not far from the 80s remote: 1. seperate by an interval or space greater than usual 2. far removed in space, time, or relation: divergent, e.g. 1. the remote past 2. comments remote from the truth 3. out-of-the-way, secluded, e.g. a remote cabin in the hills 4. a. acting, acted on, or controlled indirectly or from a distance, e.g. remote computer operation b. relating to the acquisition of information about a distant object (as by radar or photography) without coming into physical contact with it, e.g. remote sensing 5. not arising from a primary or proximate action 6. small in degree: slight, e.g hadn't the remotest idea of it 7. distant in manner The Collins English Dictionary far 1. at, to, or from a great distance 2. at or to a remote time example: far in the future 3. to a considerable degree; very much example: a far better plan [ETYMOLOGY: Old English feorr; related to Old Frisian fir, Old High German ferro, Latin porro forwards, Greek pera further] remote 1. located far away; distant 2. far from any centre of population, society, or civilization; out-of-the-way 3. distant in time 4. distantly related or connected example: a remote cousin 5. removed, as from the source or point of action 6. slight or faint (esp. in the phrases not the remotest idea, a remote chance) 7. (of a person's manner) aloof or abstracted 8. operated from a distance; remote-controlled example: a remote monitor [ETYMOLOGY: 15th Century: from Latin remotus far removed, from removere, from re- + movere to move] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: