精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
中文翻譯是: implement:實施,執行 implementation:實施,執行(名詞) 英文翻譯是:(from: wiktionary) implement: 1. to bring about; to put into practice 例句: It's a good thought, but it will be a difficult thing to implement. implementation: 1. The act of implementing something or developing the details necessary to make something work. 例句 : The concept is simple, but the implementation will be a long process. 2. The result of implementing something; a finished product, system or device. 例句 : His implementation works, but it needs some fine-tuning. 電腦文件中常出現implement和implementation這兩個字, (記得C語言中,有一專有名詞叫implement,但已忘了代表什麼?) 一直沒有搞清楚。 The process file system, or procfs, implements a view of the system process table inside the file system. It is normally mounted on /proc, and is required for the complete operation of programs such as ps(1) and w(1). The procfs provides a two-level view of process space, unlike the previ- ous FreeBSD 1.1 procfs implementation. 上文中來自proc的manual page, 前一個implement或許可以解釋成"使某一個事物成為可能",因為要翻成"實施"有點 不太通順。 後一個implementation則可以解釋成"已完成的某一成品,產物" 有錯請指正。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: