精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ping0519 (海苔)》之銘言: : 不曉得這個tetchy要怎樣使用, : 我問我朋友說是不是 : He is a tetchy person.. : 他說不是,應該是用touchy比較常用 : 究竟 touchy 跟tetchy的差別在哪呢? : 查了單字都有易怒的意思。@"@ touchy 1 easily becoming offended or annoyed touchy about She is very touchy about her past. 2 touchy subject/question etc a subject etc that needs to be dealt with very carefully, especially because it may offend people Asking about a reporter's sources can be a touchy business. touchiness noun [uncountable] tetchy likely to get angry or upset easily Jane's a bit tetchy this morning. tetchy是英式英文,就如同如果出口在美國是exit 在英國呢? 有用egress的 入口 entrance ingress 意思上也有點不太一樣,請參閱上述的字意 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ping0519::o 所以是英式跟美式的差別~ 了改! 04/15 00:43
ping0519:^^ Thanks220.138.138.209 04/15 00:43
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: bs1435 (見微知著) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] 關於昨天的字彙tetchy. 時間: Sat Apr 15 01:04:46 2006 ※ 引述《Majestic (認真向上好青年!)》之銘言: : tetchy是英式英文,就如同如果出口在美國是exit 在英國呢? 有用egress的 : 入口 entrance exgress : 意思上也有點不太一樣,請參閱上述的字意 http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/WORDS/1998-11/0912354180 http://www.gordontillman.info/gordyblog/?p=34 Example sentence: Jeannette knew how tetchy her old friend Doris could sometimes be, so she stifled the urge to tease her about her dirty car. Did you know? “Tetchy” is a word that may have been coined by Shakespeare — its first known use in English occurs in Romeo and Juliet (1592). Etymologists are not certain how the word came about, but some have suggested that it derives from “ tetch,” an obsolete noun meaning “habit.” The similarity both in meaning and pronunciation to “touchy” might lead you to conclude that “tetchy” is related to it, but there is no conclusive evidence to suggest such a connection. The adjectives “teched” and “tetched,” meaning “mentally unbalanced,” are variations of “touched,” and are probably also unrelated to “tetchy.” *Indicates the sense illustrated in the example sentence. ------- 這是剛剛找的資料 (啊! 不過怎麼會找到語言學去了 = =") 不過有網友已在上一篇解釋過了,有興趣的就看看吧! 看了一下文章內容,大意應該是說 "tetchy"這個字可能是莎士比亞造的. 詞源學者也不太確定這個字的起源,不過在猜是從"tetch"這個已淘汰的字而來的 ("tetch"這個字的意思是 habit(習慣)) "touchy"這個字可能會讓你聯想到"tetchy",因為這兩個字的意思和發音都很相似 不過並無確切證據說明這兩個字有關聯 "teched" 及 "tetched"這兩個形容詞是"touched" 這個字的異體字 和 "tetchy" 這個字可能沒什麼關聯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ping0519:所以 tetchy不常用? 04/15 01:12
bs1435:有在用啊! 所以說這篇當參考看看就好221.169.101.152 04/15 01:14
bs1435:只是說讓你知道這個字的起源罷了221.169.101.152 04/15 01:15
ping0519:哦哦。@@ 好~我再細心體會220.138.138.209 04/15 01:15