精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我看了兩本字辨的書 第一本說: watch是用在集中注意力看 或是長時間的觀看觀察 所以如果是講"看了三小時"或是"看到深夜" 就必須用watch 另外一本: 如果用在看電影上面 watch a movie是在家裡看 see a movie是在電影院看 看到這裡我就產生了一個疑惑 如果我要講:我在電影院看電影看了三個多小時 那要用watch還是see? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: shelc (Suck it up!) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] see/watch 時間: Thu Aug 24 20:01:21 2006 以下是查英英字典的簡易說明, 或許可以釐清你的疑惑... —Synonyms 1. Watch, look, see imply being aware of things around one by perceiving them through the eyes. To watch is to be a spectator, to look on or observe, or to fix the attention upon during passage of time: to watch while a procession passes. To look is to direct the gaze with the intention of seeing, to use the eyesight with attention: to look for violets in the spring; to look at articles displayed for sale. To see is to perceive with the eyes, to obtain a visual impression, with or without fixing the attention: animals able to see in the dark. 如果對同意字的用法有疑問,最好的辦法還是查英英字典 英英字典的說明比較能釐清用法上的些微差別...^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: ponsal (心靈的廁所) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] see/watch 時間: Thu Aug 24 20:48:50 2006 基本上的差別我都分的出來 比較難搞的是see和watch 看了英英字典的解釋還是沒有辦法分辨 比如說: 看比賽 應該要用see還是watch? 還是兩者皆可? 看表演 應該要用see還是watch? 還是兩者皆可? 實在是挺困擾我的... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
shelc:都可以用,只是看你要強調的有沒有注意看 08/24 21:31
shelc:watch比較有強調 注意看/觀察的動作 08/24 21:31
shelc:see則是看/看到,並沒有特別強調注意看 08/24 21:32
Jade:用see a movie 就是在家看電影 08/26 00:08
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: CCY0927 (只是個暱稱罷了) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] see/watch 時間: Sat Aug 26 02:00:21 2006 只是單純「看」的動作 : see (妳碰巧看到同學在逛街,用 see ) 視線轉向中心旁邊物體注視著 : look at (妳看到朋友旁邊有帥哥,視線轉移過去,用 look at) 目不轉睛看著會持續變化的東西 : watch (那個帥哥男生居然過來跟妳朋友搭訕,妳忌妒,想觀察他們的劇情發展,用 watch) 只朝某個東西看了一眼而已 : glance (帥哥男生身旁其實有個宅男同學,但妳對他一點興趣都沒有,用 glance) 吃驚到一直盯著人家看 : gaze/stare (帥哥男生居然轉過頭來跟妳講話,害妳大吃一驚,心兒蹦蹦跳看著他,用 gaze/stare) 妳被驚嚇到,生氣地看著人家 : glare (原來帥哥跟妳講話,是希望妳幫忙跟朋友要電話,妳心想你是瞎了狗眼了嗎,用 glare) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
chrisjon:推 "看"得好清楚 08/26 02:06
linda112:推 說的好清楚 !! 08/26 02:36
Lovetech:推 例子真好笑XDDD 08/26 10:28
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: iiverson649 (渣渣) 看板: Eng-Class 標題: Re: [字彙] see/watch 時間: Sat Aug 26 08:42:12 2006 ※ 引述《CCY0927 (只是個暱稱罷了)》之銘言: : 只是單純「看」的動作 : see : (妳碰巧看到同學在逛街,用 see ) : 視線轉向中心旁邊物體注視著 : look at : (妳看到朋友旁邊有帥哥,視線轉移過去,用 look at) : 目不轉睛看著會持續變化的東西 : watch : (那個帥哥男生居然過來跟妳朋友搭訕,妳忌妒,想觀察他們的劇情發展,用 watch) : 只朝某個東西看了一眼而已 : glance : (帥哥男生身旁其實有個宅男同學,但妳對他一點興趣都沒有,用 glance) : 吃驚到一直盯著人家看 : gaze/stare : (帥哥男生居然轉過頭來跟妳講話,害妳大吃一驚,心兒蹦蹦跳看著他,用 gaze/stare) : 妳被驚嚇到,生氣地看著人家 : glare : (原來帥哥跟妳講話,是希望妳幫忙跟朋友要電話,妳心想你是瞎了狗眼了嗎,用 glare) 補充一下字典的話... You use see to talk about things that you are aware of because a visual impression reaches your eyes. You often use can in this case. I can see the fax here on the desk. If you want to say that someone is paying attention to something they can see,you say that they are looking at it or watching it. In general,you look at something that is not moving, while you watch something that is moving or changing. I asked him to look at the picture above his bed..... He watched Blake run down the stairs. Look is never followed directly by an object. You must always use at or some other preposition. I looked towards the plane. The verb gaze and stare are both used to talk about looking at something for a long time.If you gaze at something,it is often because you think it is marvellous or impressive. A fresh-faced little girl gazes in wonder at the bright fairground lights.If you stare at something or someone,it is often because you think they are strange or shocking.Various families came out and stared at us. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Majestic:請教那個字典? 08/27 00:30
iiverson649:collins learner's dic compact..... 08/28 09:51