精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
They proposed that one key feature in the early development of the concept of matter is that children learn how to distinguish matter and objects. The differentiation of such interlinked concepts is seen as a key process in the formation of stable scientific concepts. In this process, the authors see the importance of the ability to distinguish between intensive properties that characterize matter and extensive properties that characterize objects. 這是我所看到的文章的一小段,尤其是下面這話最不了解 intensive properties用以描述matter的特色 extensive properties 用以描述objects的特色 但我還是不了解其間的差別 我知道intensive properties,是指與'量'無關的物理量,如溫度,壓力,密度.... extensive properties,是指與'量'有關的物理量,如重量,電量..... 然後也想順便知道matter,object與substance的差別 查字典matter :物質,指與精神相對的詞,如 organic matter, solid matter... substance:與matter同 object :(可感覺到的)物體 希望知道的人,能不吝指教,thanks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
djnospam:OMG...這是兩個土耳其人寫的研究報告..... 05/29 10:24