精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《lyosha (reborn)》之銘言: : 標題: Re: [字辨] : 時間: Sat Aug 5 20:50:55 2006 : : ※ 引述《sprell (ray allen)》之銘言: : However, at the end of the scheme the customer feels that he had all along : been paying 100% more for the products : : and : [THE CUSTOMER] perceives that very product as costly once the scheme : is withdrawn. : : [THE CUSTOMER] May switch to another product at the same price. : (fragment) : : this is sloppy english, if you saw it in a paper : if this is just daily writing, you can forgive him XD : : : 這句文子 非常的怪 感覺文章沒coherence 也沒標點符號 : : 且我完全看不懂它在說什麼? : : 請問這句是不是有很多問題 還是我錯覺? : : 如果我錯覺的話 可以大概幫我解釋一下嗎>< : : More often than not, <-meaning 通常 : lowest price products end up as the second best : with a higher priced product with similar product : ^^^^我覺得應該是to : 這句話要這樣看: More often than not, lowest pice products end up as the second best ones, with a higher produced product (.....) leading the market. 後面 with something leading the marketin,其實可以改寫為 With a higher priced product (....) leading the market, lowest price products often end up as the second best alternative. : attributes leading the market : : 所以是: 通常最低價產品最後會成為銷售第二名 : 位於領導市場的較高價品牌類似產品之後 : : : 這句我翻‘許多不是最低價格的商品甚至會比高價格且帶有類似屬性的商品 : : 會在市場上占有領先地位’ 可是還感覺怪怪的>< : : 謝謝大家 : : : -- : ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) : ◆ From: : ※ 編輯: lyosha 來自: (08/05 20:53) : 推 now1:因為我需要tranlate 這篇assay 所以不得不管 08/05 21:01 : → now1:second to 是亞於...什麼的意思嗎? 08/05 21:03 : → now1:因為背過second to none~~ 08/05 21:04 : 推 lyosha:yes 08/05 21:05 : 推 Laird:不對, 不是to, 這邊用with沒錯 08/05 21:18 -- http://www.wretch.cc/blog/yyeric [攝影][文字創作]: 在南半球呼吸著 拍照:Canon A80 攝影:Nikon F3 with Nikkor 135mm/2.8, Nikkor 55mm/2.8 Micro, Nikkor 50mm/1.2, Nikkor 28mm/2.8, Nikon SB-12. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: