精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看國外出版商的名字 用這四個字的各有之 press 如 Academic Press, CRC Press publishers 如 Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Worth Publishers publishing 如 South-Western Publishing, PWS Publishing house 如 Random House, Artech House 因為看到 " Blackwell Publishing was formed in 2001 from two Oxford-based academic publishing companies, Blackwell Science and Blackwell Publishers, which had their origins in the nineteenth century Blackwell's family bookshop and publishing business. " (Wikipedia) 好奇從 Blackwell Publishers 變成 Blackwell Publishing 這四個字有什麼文化上或學術上的差異嗎? 如地理學上的 location (區位) position (位置) site (地點) 還是都一樣 公司爽怎麼取就怎麼取? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
roliauo:publishing比較接近"業"吧 publishers出版商 press印行 09/06 20:36
roliauo:house商號 所 機構 09/06 20:38
roliauo:應該是規模有差 09/06 20:39