精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
However at the end of the scheme the customer feels that he had all along been paying 100% more for the products and perceives that very product as costly once the scheme is withdrawn. May switch to another product at the same price. 這句文子 非常的怪 感覺文章沒coherence 也沒標點符號 且我完全看不懂它在說什麼? 請問這句是不是有很多問題 還是我錯覺? 如果我錯覺的話 可以大概幫我解釋一下嗎>< More often than not lowest price products end up as the second best with a higher priced product with similar product attributes leading the market 這句我翻‘許多不是最低價格的商品甚至會比高價格且帶有類似屬性的商品 會在市場上占有領先地位’ 可是還感覺怪怪的>< 謝謝大家 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: sprell 來自: (08/05 20:09)
chrissuen:2:你翻的剛好是它的相反 08/05 21:12
chrissuen:最便宜的是第二,而相似而較高價的反而是 08/05 21:13
chrissuen:最好賣的 08/05 21:14