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據我目前所學到的''香菜''有兩種說法 分別是parsley / coriander 從英文解釋上來看似乎不太一樣 但是中文翻譯卻很相近 請問大家這兩者究竟有何區別呢? 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ryanchia:parsley中文翻巴西里,coriander翻香菜 04/17 11:31
djnospam:乾燥的parsley一點也不香,所以很好辨認:p 04/17 11:42
petition:台式香菜 cilantro 04/17 11:45
whitejwhite:parsley是荷蘭芹 coriander是芫荽 也就是香菜 04/17 11:50
djnospam:cilantro是北美說法,是coriander另一說法 04/17 11:58
malisse74:coriander 是香菜(芫荽)的種子磨成的香料 和cilantro還 04/17 14:41
malisse74:是不太一樣 04/17 14:42
djnospam:Longman ONLINE: coriander (BrE): a herb, used 04/18 02:15
djnospam:especially in Asian and Mexican cooking [= cilantro 04/18 02:15
djnospam:American English] 04/18 02:15
djnospam:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriander 04/18 02:17
djnospam:"also commonly called cilantro in North America," 04/18 02:17
djnospam:the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the most..." 04/18 02:18