精華區beta Eng-Class 關於我們 聯絡資訊
hi, I have a question about a sentence. Here is the sentence, "Consumers want both the experience of care and actual care they receive to be of the highest caliber." ^^^^^^^^ Could anyone tell me what "to be of" means in this sentence? Thanks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
seimo:我是認為有變成adj的語義..like "of use"..FYR 02/21 10:23
Verloc:樓上正解XD 而且不是"to be of",是 "of the highest.." 02/21 10:31
Verloc:of是跟著後面的名詞,使後面的名詞能夠轉變成形容詞 02/21 10:31
Verloc:就像中文一樣,把"彩虹"後面加的 就變成形容詞"彩虹的" 02/21 10:32
Verloc:所以你說的to be of of跟錯人啦!! 02/21 10:33
okelddo:XD 非常詳細,感謝 02/21 10:54